The IMPORTED ENGLISH Orpington Thread

PC.. sure will :) We are very excited about next season :)

Jan.. I have been really blessed to be able to have these :)

HMt. I let the grass go for a while to let the birds and geese out on the fresh growth before cutting it back... Them speckled baby... took a liking to my flower bed... YIKES... oh well it will grow back. I am sorry you haven't had more rain. :( Some people have a water recovery system on the air conditioners which helps to water their grass. I have friends in the New Zealand that went through a terrible drought and still might be.. have not talked to them in a while... They were using gray water from their houses to water the lawns.
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We have grey water recycling, but its not enough. No a/c. All of my rain barrels are long dried up....
I know we will be able to catch up eventually, but drought right in the middle of the growing season is the worst.

Thank goodness the birds don't eat hay! We'd be having one heck of a BBQ.
Real nice lacing on those blues :)

Something else I noticed different this yr about my birds is... The ones I got from Julie and being bred down from Julie's have that beetle green sheen... Now the blacks I got from Joy...have an iridescent violet sheen... very interesting :) Some of the babies produced this yr have the violet as well. I love the contrast :)
I have seen the violet in certain birds too. I am not sure how it is in the Orps, but in Ameraucanas its undesieable. One of the old timers told me to put a hen in the freezer for that reason alone. I felt that a little harsh- why would you put any healthy laying hen in the freezer?
I have seen the violet in certain birds too. I am not sure how it is in the Orps, but in Ameraucanas its undesieable. One of the old timers told me to put a hen in the freezer for that reason alone. I felt that a little harsh- why would you put any healthy laying hen in the freezer?

Oh dear... I had no idea.. oh well I like it :)
I like it too, and have even had people ask me if I have any to sell. Might be different with this breed though
I have seen the violet in certain birds too. I am not sure how it is in the Orps, but in Ameraucanas its undesieable. One of the old timers told me to put a hen in the freezer for that reason alone. I felt that a little harsh- why would you put any healthy laying hen in the freezer?
its the same in orps, and reason to throw away a nice husband has a small flock of aussie egg layers ,a lot of them have the one of those very old orp books it was talking about it being from barred birds in their past ,some kind of purple barring.thou it doesnt look like barring thats what he claimed it was.. and the guy said it was something that the breeders had to contend with..those aussie hens are so dependable in feb for breakfast eggs that husband sure doesnt care..the orps and aussie rooster do not have it..just those aussie freeroamer not sure what the answer is, but seems like the guy in that book had a remedy by breeding in dull black hens or something like that into the line, i will see if i can find that again.copy that page..dont quote me on that dull blk hen thing, thats probably not right. i will get that was late one night i read it in my million poultry book collection in the kindle..
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I went out and took a few pictures of one bunch of EO, I'll let you know now I dont take good pictures but here they are, they were hatched on Easter.
Oh have a question yesterday was the first day they got to run in the yard and today I noticed one of my hens can walk but is having a hard time. She walks with her knees together any idea? Also you will see a BCM running around in the group and a Blue Marans also.

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