The IMPORTED ENGLISH Orpington Thread

Thank you so much for touching on the subject of banding. Sure is an eye opener to realize how easy it is to loose a bird at a show.. You know.. perhaps... there needs to be a unified way to mark all the birds the same... I think the wing bands are probably the best solution. It could be worked like the AKC with papers... Register a bird... get a record and a wing band for each bird you want to show. You could use that number for that bird each time you enter him/her into any show. Thus it would be very easy to keep complete show records of all your birds :)

It is just a thought.

I bought a toe puncher last yr.... and forgot to mark my chicks this year.... UGGGGG So they are banded again this yr.

I would like to know how to put the bands on the winds and where before actually purchasing any.
Renie, I have offered wondered why there was not some form of "registration" for the birds. I used to have to tatoo and register my French Lop rabbits (when I raised them as a kid) with ARBA. Would make sense to me to somehow register a bird. But how would one permanenantly ID a bird? I think this is a very good conversation and I would bet that it has been conversed before.

Oh, Renie, the eggs/now babies I have from you are growing like weeds and are doing great.
? That's kind of an old post.
Sorry, did not realize there was a time limit on commenting. I only have time to get on about once a week. When I am able to get on I do all the catching up I can. Between work, husband, kids and birds, through the week I am running 100 mph. Saturday morning is about it for me until winter.

l see it is 5 days old. Please let me know what the time frame is. I am sorry if my late post offended anyone.
No- there is no limit, but you basically re-posted an old quote of mine out of context last week. If you would have read a few more posts down, you would have seen that it was resolved. I didn't say anything at the time, but it did hurt my feelings and put me in a bad light.
No- there is no limit, but you basically re-posted an old quote of mine out of context last week. If you would have read a few more posts down, you would have seen that it was resolved. I didn't say anything at the time, but it did hurt my feelings and put me in a bad light.
Sending you a PM so no trouble with moderators.
I have large dog crates that I use for mine when hauling. I have 3 now. I have been watching for them at yard sales. Picked 1 up for $20 and 1 for 10 each. My big wire one I paid $40 for. They are the BIG ones. 2 are the mores all plastic - like for airplanes and one is a wire one like you are showing here, but bigger. I could get dimensions if you would like. But it is the large crates.

eta: Okay, I thought you meant for hauling. Do you have to bring your own cages to show them in? My experience here is that cages are provided...but please by gentle...I am a newbie. I am so new it hurts. I have some beautiful young birds that I hatched out from various breeders this year and I am excited to start showing next year. I won't get far from WA (the state), but still interesting that you have to bring your own show cages.
Some 4-H shows require you to bring your own coops. At an APA or ABA show coops are provided. You can check sizes at Keipper Cooping Company.
OK, Sorry about jumping on ya like that.
We're good. No worries.

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