The IMPORTED ENGLISH Orpington Thread

Quote: You are so right about the feet. they are huge. LOL. They are now looking liken chickens and pretty again. Just not long ago that whole gangley ostrich looking thing is absolutely hilarious. I hope they did not get a "complex" because I kept laughing at them. LOL. They are such pretty birds.
Well that's good to know. Thanks bunches Marc and everyone for the input. I had a black once (that I thought was black) but he produce some barring. I will try to find his picture and show you what I discovered...........To be continued

It was very difficult to see his barring unless he was bent over exposing the base of his feathers, and I didn't notice it as he grew up. He was huge with good type, unfortunately I culled him when I realized he was barred. Couldn't be sure what was behind him but would have been fun to use on projects.

I know, I know, how could I not notice that........I just thought it was light colored fluff..

When I parted his tail feathers, at the base it was very apparent they were barred (or cuckoo)

Was he bred to a white and it produced chicks with barring or another black?
It was very difficult to see his barring unless he was bent over exposing the base of his feathers, and I didn't notice it as he grew up. He was huge with good type, unfortunately I culled him when I realized he was barred. Couldn't be sure what was behind him but would have been fun to use on projects.

I know, I know, how could I not notice that........I just thought it was light colored fluff..

When I parted his tail feathers, at the base it was very apparent they were barred (or cuckoo)

gorgeous birds. Please excuse any questions I ask...I am not trying to be judgmental or rude or critcal...I am trying to learn and I know that you are an experienced orp breeder (from reading your comments) and from seeing your birds.

Your first photo is a splash - correct? I love her shape. She is so pretty. They are all very pretty. But question, the middle bird? Would her tail be considered a bit high? or is this just how she is standing? She is so pretty too.

eta: why I ask is that I am beginning to "critic" my own birds and I read your guys' comments and look at the photos. I then go look at my birds to see who has what. It helps me to learn.
First pic is Silver lace orp, laceing is come out nice after go tru the molt. Middle bird is Partridge orp.
It was very difficult to see his barring unless he was bent over exposing the base of his feathers, and I didn't notice it as he grew up. He was huge with good type, unfortunately I culled him when I realized he was barred. Couldn't be sure what was behind him but would have been fun to use on projects.

I know, I know, how could I not notice that........I just thought it was light colored fluff..

When I parted his tail feathers, at the base it was very apparent they were barred (or cuckoo)

If a bird is barred, he or she is it allover, not just a couple of feathers. My opinion.
This must be something else.
Was he bred to a white and it produced chicks with barring or another black?

Actually we bred him to a very light colored crele project hen that was barred, but one of the resulting chicks (a cockerel) appeared to be double barred? The only thing I could figure out was that the rooster must have possessed a single barring gene? The chicks color was not what we were hoping for so we did not keep him either.

OK, here are the "Crele/Legbar" chicks that hatched from the eggs we imported this summer. I sent the pics to Sandy as well and asked if she could send me some pictures of the parent stock.
As I said there is quite a variety in color. I will update information as I get it from Sandy (and pictures as they mature). As far as the rest of the chicks I hatched they are all pretty much true to the breed and look like one would expect them to.

(Thoughts and comments are always welcome)

Yes, these all hatched from Crele/Legbar eggs from Sandy

here is my current black roo. He is not near as broad as I hoped he would be. He is about 18weeks old. Do ya'll think he will fill out any more? he reminds me more of a jersey giant than a english black orpington. if my blue roo keeps growing this one will get rehomed. my blue roo is 5 weeks younger and is already almost as tall and atleast 25% wider.

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