The Journey of Cottonball

Well, it seems like Cottonball has fleas. I noticed one jump off of him the other day and I managed to kill it. We have been flea combing him every day since last Friday and have gotten nothing. But as I was combing him a minute ago I saw a flea crawl on his face, and then disappear. I have been combing my cats and have not gotten anything off of them either. Does anyone have any idea on how to treat a bunny this small? He weighed 8.4oz before his dinner today. I am at a loss, I would feel okay if I was getting fleas off of the flea comb, but I have gotten nothing this whole time. Do I just take him to an exotic vet to get this figured out?
Well, it seems like Cottonball has fleas. I noticed one jump off of him the other day and I managed to kill it. We have been flea combing him every day since last Friday and have gotten nothing. But as I was combing him a minute ago I saw a flea crawl on his face, and then disappear. I have been combing my cats and have not gotten anything off of them either. Does anyone have any idea on how to treat a bunny this small? He weighed 8.4oz before his dinner today. I am at a loss, I would feel okay if I was getting fleas off of the flea comb, but I have gotten nothing this whole time. Do I just take him to an exotic vet to get this figured out?

I don't know about getting the fleas off the rabbit itself, but I would immediately change out all of his bedding (especially the towel), and wipe down the crate.

I have read that most fleas are not on the animal at any given time, but are hiding out in the bedding and surrounding area. So things like putting the towel through the laundry with hot water/hot dryer should remove or kill the fleas in it. And wiping down the crate with a damp cloth should remove fleas & their eggs from the crate.

If you clean things frequently, you may not completely get rid of the fleas, but you should at least reduce the number by removing the new flea eggs before they can hatch and mature.

Are you using any kind of flea treatment on the cats? If the fleas die from biting a treated cat, there will be that many less fleas to get on the bunny ;)
I don't know about getting the fleas off the rabbit itself, but I would immediately change out all of his bedding (especially the towel), and wipe down the crate.

I have read that most fleas are not on the animal at any given time, but are hiding out in the bedding and surrounding area. So things like putting the towel through the laundry with hot water/hot dryer should remove or kill the fleas in it. And wiping down the crate with a damp cloth should remove fleas & their eggs from the crate.

If you clean things frequently, you may not completely get rid of the fleas, but you should at least reduce the number by removing the new flea eggs before they can hatch and mature.

Are you using any kind of flea treatment on the cats? If the fleas die from biting a treated cat, there will be that many less fleas to get on the bunny ;)
Yeah his towels get cleaned out once a day, I feel like this is an even better reason to get a cage situation figured out! I plan on cleaning our sheets / vacuuming and all of that tomorrow when I can move him to a different room so the vacuum doesn't scare him. We do not flea treat our cats on a regular basis. I really hate putting the chemicals on them, and only do so when I notice fleas. So I will be going to the vet to get Revolution because I am sure we have carried the fleas all over the house. I read you can't treat a bun until 2lbs and I think I may go crazy if I have to deal with fleas for that long :( Though we did know this was a risk of bringing an animal that was outdoors inside.
Good morning! Cottonball had a good day yesterday, as always. He weighed 8.4 oz. He finally let me take some pictures!! And yes, that eye in the first pic was the "bad eye" :)
Today for the first time we had cuddles! He laid on my lap and would start to nip and groom me if I stopped petting him. He is so sweet.

Does anyone have any advice on how much pellet I should feed him? He still drinks about 12ml of formula every 12 hours. I have oxbow young rabbit pellets. Thanks!


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Thanks! Even when they are still nursing?


When I have raised bunnies with the doe, the doe and litter had free choice pellets at all times. The bunnies were free to eat as much as they wanted, as soon as they were able to pop out of the nestbox and move around the cage. They started with small amounts, and ate larger amounts whenever they thought they were ready.

When I have raised bunnies with the doe, the doe and litter had free choice pellets at all times. The bunnies were free to eat as much as they wanted, as soon as they were able to pop out of the nestbox and move around the cage. They started with small amounts, and ate larger amounts whenever they thought they were ready.
Thanks! I will leave pellets in there and feel his belly before and after bottle feeding him, to make sure he is not overfed. I was thinking about weaning him on the 25th when he is 6 weeks but I think I may wean him this week instead. He loves his hay and pellets.

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