The Journey of Cottonball

Hi ya'll! Sorry I have not been updating very well. Here are some pics of Cottonball yesterday. It is real hard to get a picture of him now!
3.16.21 1.JPG
3.16.21 2.JPG

His favorite things are eating, zooming around, and then getting a good nap and cuddle on my lap. I am going to introduce him to one of our two cats tonight! Please pray that it goes well and neither of them feel aggressive/ threatened (they will still be separated by the pen / cage though) I did flea treat the cats, and finally got 3 fleas off of Cottonball yesterday, but found no others. Let me tell you, it is hard to comb those things off of him with his fur! I have to find it first, and then hope I can get it with the comb. His meals are getting bigger, and he is growing like a weed. He is doing super well and weighed 10.4oz this morning!
At what age can I introduce sticks for him to chew or hanging toys? Or really any natural toys that are just sticks and hay?
At what age can I introduce sticks for him to chew or hanging toys? Or really any natural toys that are just sticks and hay?

Think about where you found him--he had access to quite a few sticks and plants, and his only real problems were infected eyes and not enough food. I think it should be safe enough to trust his judgement, as long as the things you offer are generally rabbit-safe.

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