The khaki-Campbell duck Thread !!!!!!!!

I posted this earlier in the regular old duck thread. But haven't gotten an answer. Thought I'd try this thread too. :)

I got these 5 month old Khaki Campbells a week ago and absolutely LOVE them. I've been getting 3 eggs every morning. They all four look just alike and none of them have a curled tail so they all looked like females to me. But when they get in their pool one of them get's on the other's back and bites it's neck. Are they mating or just being silly?

I posted this earlier in the regular old duck thread. But haven't gotten an answer. Thought I'd try this thread too. :)

I got these 5 month old Khaki Campbells a week ago and absolutely LOVE them. I've been getting 3 eggs every morning. They all four look just alike and none of them have a curled tail so they all looked like females to me. But when they get in their pool one of them get's on the other's back and bites it's neck. Are they mating or just being silly?

I was told I had 4 females, but when 1 was riding the back of the other 1, I found out differently. LOL!! I have only had ducks since May, but none of the other ones play like that, just the 1(the male).
Is say he's a male and yea they are mating. Does that one quack like the other ones or does it sound like a quieter quack? Males don't quack loud like females do.
Well my son and I tried to catch them and they all protested with a loud "MACK MACK MACK!!" So they all look the same and sound the same. I also realized a little while ago that I had another video of the "hop on top" game. After close review it's a different duck doing the mounting! So maybe it's a dominance thing.or they're just bored. Guess time will tell. At least I know 3 are for sure female.
Well my son and I tried to catch them and they all protested with a loud "MACK MACK MACK!!" So they all look the same and sound the same. I also realized a little while ago that I had another video of the "hop on top" game. After close review it's a different duck doing the mounting! So maybe it's a dominance thing.or they're just bored. Guess time will tell. At least I know 3 are for sure female.
Well soon here you should have 4 eggs every morning if their all females. Good luck and have fun either way it turns out.
I got my first egg yesterday pretty sure from my khaki girls huffs are a month younger then them and another one this morning ! I was beyond excited and wasn't expecting it recently just got 19 laying hens that are just starting to lay so I was busy looking for eggs in the coop and low and behold a little duck egg in the duck house!
I posted this earlier in the regular old duck thread. But haven't gotten an answer. Thought I'd try this thread too. :)

I got these 5 month old Khaki Campbells a week ago and absolutely LOVE them. I've been getting 3 eggs every morning. They all four look just alike and none of them have a curled tail so they all looked like females to me. But when they get in their pool one of them get's on the other's back and bites it's neck. Are they mating or just being silly?

It's not uncommon for females to do that to each other. I have one drake and two girls and one of the girls tries to mount the other anyway.
At five months you'd be able to tell one apart if it were a drake.

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