The khaki-Campbell duck Thread !!!!!!!!

My KCs have healed pretty well and a lot sooner since I've had them outside in a large pen. theyare very skittish though and contemplating just letting out to roam property with my beloved scovy who are trained friendly and come when called going right into coop at night. any chance my KCs may do the same along with my scovy or they'll just run off. the KCs are afraid of getting more than heads wet and scream and fight when they get baths.. I'm beginning to think early problems caused retardation as well as leg and body deformation they showed initially. any advice and experience to share??? are all mallard derived or non scovy ducks like this?
I have 3 ducks. My Magpie is the most affectionate! My Pekin is next. They r all almost 7 wks old & I think they r all female. Not a 100% sure on the Magpie. Anyways my KC is skittish, but once I catch her she likes 2 snuggle :). As long as she can tuck her head between my arm & body, I can pet her for a long time :). Funny thing is she is also the bravest & the 1st 2 try new things; toys, ramps, snacks.


I sure do love these nervous nellys so far. The Pekin baby isn't near as shy as the kc's they are so beautiful.
Mine aren't too shy. I mean, they'll run from me if I'm trying to catch them, but once I get them, they relax and let me pet them.
I am very excited to see them develop. We have had Pekins one for 5 yrs. We live on a creek so they free range. I had a muscovy from a neighbor claim us. We loved him. I stumbled upon these khaki Campbell's as they are so different from what I had ever had. We have 3. One is more loving than the others. It is paired off with the baby Pekin. The other two are friends. Been giving them some treats out if hand like spinach and tomatoes to keep them friendly. ;)
Been giving them some treats out if hand like spinach and tomatoes to keep them friendly.
When I gave my khaki's spinach, I started having all kinds of trouble with their egg shells being brittle or non-existent. They do love the iceberg and romaine and the egg shells are fine now. Just a head's up for when they start laying.

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