the kids rescued a mole

Moles are so ugly they're cute. I used to save them from the dogs, but I got so tired of tripping over all the holes on my property that now I just turn my head and walk the other way if I see the dog with one. We're overrun in this area....
haha probably! or else i ran off screaming or something because it looked at me wrong.

seriously though, this little creature is so sweet looking with his little fuzzy ears. i was shocked when i read that they eat worms, thats for sure. i thought they gathered berries or something peaceful, not that they had saliva that paralyzes their victims!
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Pretty sure that one is a shrew.

I love all animals and borderline majoring in zoology, but moles' feet creepy me out a bit.

I think its funny that moles and shrew's names have double meaning... neat.
Pretty sure that one is a shrew.

I love all animals and borderline majoring in zoology, but moles' feet creepy me out a bit.

I think its funny that moles and shrew's names have double meaning... neat.

It was a shrew. A southern short tailed shrew- they're native to Oklahoma. I didn't see her pic :rolleyes My PC lags a bit
Okay, I have approximately 9.7 million of those things in my yard. You are welcome to them all. Think of the adorable stocking stuffers they will make! Christmas is right around the corner you know.

I hate the little things. One of these days I'm going to crack an ankle from stepping on one of their stupid holes. They prefer to dig around the chicken coops these days making my paths all muddy and soft. (In the spring the chickens catch the babies and play chicken rugby with them. ICK.)

Problem #2 with the wretched little buggers is that my dogs HAVE to dig them up. It is apparently a Dog Law. They have completely trenched the backyard. Mowing the grass has become an off road event since I can't ever see the holes and pits when the grass gets high. So if I don't break an ankle I'm going to crack a rib being thrown over the steering wheel on the lawn mower.

Problem #3 is that one of the dogs thinks they are really fabulous squeaky toys and she tries to bring them in the house. Grown moles are NOT cute and fuzzy. They are icky and ooky, especially after the dog has slobbered all over them.
I turn into psycho woman screaming "Drop it, drop it, DROP IT!" as the gleeful dog hurtles through the doggie door into my kitchen with a mangled mole in her mouth. Again I say,

So in conclusion, you can have them all. Please PM me your address and I will start boxing up the little suckers. I'll even throw in the shipping for free! All for you!!!

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