The Kitchen Table - come sit with us! new request added to post 1!

Oh crap!
Yo mama so fat she on BOTH sides of the family

Yo mama so fat, the only pictures you have of her are satellite photos

Yo mama so fat, when she sits around the house... she sits A R O U N D the house....

Yo mama so fat, to get her through a door, you gotta grease it and dangle a twinkie on the other side
Two blondes were on the opposite sides of a river. One blond shouts out "How did you get to the other side?" The other one answers, "You ARE on the other side!"

Two blondes were laying in a pasture. One asks the other, "Which one is farther, the moon or Florida?"... "Duh" says the other one.."Can you SEE Florida?"
im goin to sit in for a while i like coffee parties, i have mine, got it first,but im not clearing that table , im janie from arkansas
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