The Kitchen Table - come sit with us! new request added to post 1!

PK, I am 13 and 14 years older than my two youngest brothers. I am the oldest of six. I understand the responsibility and the feelings of being tied down with watching them and not being able to do what you want, but maybe it's because I'm the oldest that I understand it is also just another part of my life. It's something that I've had to let go of too, because they got to a certain age and didn't want my input or protection. Anyway, I know younger brothers can be a pain and I'm just asking you to try to understand them and enjoy the time you are spending with them.


PS - I hope this came across as sincere and helpful, which is what I meant...
Hi Noncentzer!
I'm sure you didn't upset anyone. I was working, and I'm sure most everybody is really busy doing spring things. We'll all be around as our schedules permit. All's well!
It's glass, and it's a VERY small desk, and I have a huge wide, flat-style desktop that covers up most of the desk! But yes I can see some glass around the edges here and there. What's not covered up by the mousepad, organizer thingy, and whatever food I might be eating/drinking at the moment.

Since I have this huge computer "tabletop" in front of my moniter

arrrhem, a picture is worth a thousand words:

See that ^ is when it was actually clean. You can see my computer-top. Right now.....well, not so much.
The computer's top is the part that collects most of the junk such as lose change, random receipts, empty food containers, etc. It's so crowded that forks and spoons are now being stored in the floor, right where they fell last night....

Yeah, I might should clean off my desk/computer tomorrow. Talking about it makes the mess REALLY stand out!!!

I really like that cute paperweight you have.
I hope to get one of those next week!
I've been busy. Went to Sam's Club today, and then went to my parent's to borrow their lawnmower coz mine is on the fritz so it's in the shop for a week or so, and then I came home and washed both of my dogs, and then I BBQ grilled, and then I ate and did the dishes, and now I'm finally sitting down for some R&R
I was a busy one at work today.
Also found out my friend is in hosp so i went to visit her for two hours.
Now, hmm whats for dinner?
I had a fresh greens (mustard, kale, chard, fava bean blossoms, etc) with heirloom cherry tomatoes, kalamata olives, green onions, feta cheese crumbles with french vinaigrette. plus, I just made my first loaf of sourdough bread, and it was delicious!

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