The Mandalorian - Overpromised Underdelivered


BYC Staff
17 Years
Dec 26, 2006
California - SF East Bay
My Coop
My Coop
Sooo... I know this is an "unpopular opinion", but...

I just started finally watching The Mandalorian last night. I got through the first season and I'm kinda like, "meh".

I guess I went in with expectations that were too high based on all the posts and comments from peeps over the last few years?

I just haven't found anything about it where I'm like, "Oh wow, I'm so engrossed in the story, characters, etc!"

Maybe shows like Fringe, Westworld, Black Mirror, Stranger Things, Game of Thrones, etc. have raised my bar too high?

I'm a sucker for SciFi, so I'll still watch the series. I guess I'm just bummed that I'm not impressed like I was expecting I would be.

(BTW, just started watching The Expanse a couple of days ago too, and I'm liking it more than Mandalorian)

So, what am I missing? Is The Mandalorian really that epic / awesome and I've just lost my taste in good Sci-Fi?
Everyone seems to just love the show, but it’s just not very interesting to me. I prefer shows that put you on the edge of your seat or really wanna make you see the next show. The Mandalorian wasn’t like that.
I finished the second season a few days ago.
Honestly - wasn't bothered with it.
I like it because it's Star Wars and the child is kinda cute. That's about it.

I was bored, actually. Struggled to get through it.
Everyone seems to just love the show, but it’s just not very interesting to me. I prefer shows that put you on the edge of your seat or really wanna make you see the next show. The Mandalorian wasn’t like that.
Ya, I'm kinda feeling the same way. I almost feel "obligated" to watch the next episodes just because it's Star Wars / Sci-Fi.... and not because I'm super excited to see what happens next.

Nothing about the story or characters is really grabbing me.
It’ll grow on you. They should have tipped into the story harder at first.

If you’re a star wars fan, it’s more exciting. I kept watching to see the little yoda pull his next stunt.

The way overblown reaction to him eating frog eggs was ridiculous. I found it hilarious.
I think its ok. I watched it and enjoyed it, but it wasn't my fav. "Baby Yoda" was adorable for sure. I think it also helps if your really into Star Wars, which I'm not. A lot of kids really enjoy though, but tbh I prefer something more fast paced. Its not for everyone.

I binged the 2nd season last night. Full-disclosure: I 10-second skipped through a lot of parts along the way... but not as much as the first season, and progressively less as the 2nd season got towards the end, to the point where I actually really enjoyed the last episode.

I will say this: I find the actor playing Moff Gideon pretty annoying. He's super campy, and I find his cadence / delivery really fake / contrite (same exact demeanor he has in The Boys), and it really ruins a lot of the show for me.

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