The Middle Tennessee Thread

Emmalynn- I'll PM you.

Holly- so when do we get to see kitten pictures?
Warning this post contains cuteness beyond what most can resist so walk away now..unless you want a kitten
They are still getting their legs under them and their eyes open so in a few more days I will have 5 little terrorists masked in cute kitty faces.
Oh. My. Goodness. That last picture with the tiny little tongue out is PRECIOUS!!!!

I don't need another cat. I don't need another cat. I don't need another cat...
There are 3 girls and 2 boys Megan will be very upset if she's forced to get rid of the more colorful calico
the one in the last picture is the only grayish calico..the other gray's are the boys
Since you don't need another cat how about a kitten
Momma is long hair and Pappa is short hair right now the kittens are very fluffy.
I desperately want a kitten. Moon Pie died unexpectedly a month ago and it has left a hole in the family. She was the playmate for them all and they all miss her. However, if I come home with another cat my family may lock me up. Two of the three boys have started spraying and the house STINKS! Until I get that bad habit broken I really shouldn't add any more. They all go to the vet in the next week or so. The one that started the spraying had a UTI. I am suspicious that the one still spraying may have a UTI too. There is no other reason. All three boys were fixed really young. They went YEARS without spraying. It all started a couple of months ago. I'm about ready for it to be done. I hate the stink! In the meantime I am dousing the house in expensive odor removal spray and yelling when he backs up to the furniture.

Keep posting pictures though. I need a kitten fix.

Those little grey babies are beautiful!
I know where you are Holly, my EE and Olive eggers and a few others came from you! We got something like 21 chickens and a few roos from you....So the deal is done with hubby. If my coop is finished by the end of the weekend I can have my roos.....BUT NOT MORE
I can get your Wheaten and the three marans!!!!! So excited!! Now I only need a couple of more...down the road. DON'T ASK!!! REALLY!!!
City girl- When my cats got old and started having accidents, I used a mix of hydrogen peroxide and baking soda on the mess. Got them smell out better than any store bought stuff at the time. I mix a cup of peroxide with a tablespoon of baking soda, let it sit for a while then blot it up. Might want to check for colorfastness with the peroxide, but I never had any problems.
He's spraying up on upholstered furniture unfortunately. One is an antique (and my mother is going to kill me). I'll need to test for colorfastness. I've used peroxide to get stains out before and somewhere I have a recipe the vet gave me for a homemade spray. It uses peroxide as well. I would really just prefer it if the darn cat would quit spraying!!

The little grey girl is sucking me in though... you are killing me Holly!!!
I'd be scared to use peroxide on an antique. I've used this stuff a lot and highly recommend it

It's crazy gentle, no smell to it and works really really well. (I swear I don't work for them, just HATE odors and tried everything. I can't stand all the odor renovate that are full of fragrance and just mix their nasty perfume scent with the cat pee smell. Yum. This stuff just neutralizes the smell and is all natural).

I don't have kitties any more as mine passed on a few years back and turns out my son is allergic. That grey one would be impossible to resist if kiddo could be around cats

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