The Middle Tennessee Thread

Congrats on the strawberries.
I got to eat my first one this past weekend. I was so excited because I worked so hard for them to survive. I didn't work as hard as you though....I guess that was why I ate a handful vs 5 1/2 lbs.

Donna or Becky,
Which one of ya'll were wanting showgirls? I have some due to hatch soon and I only got these eggs for the silkies. Of course I am NOT counting my chicks before they hatch but planning contingencies should any of those ugly mutant ostriches make their appearance.
Donna or Becky,
Which one of ya'll were wanting showgirls? I have some due to hatch soon and I only got these eggs for the silkies. Of course I am NOT counting my chicks before they hatch but planning contingencies should any of those ugly mutant ostriches make their appearance.

Best description of Showgirls EVER.
I have 2 Marans that are feathering in really different on their wings. One has alot more white, and the other has alot more black. Their beaks are also this way, the one with more white feathers has a light beak, and the dark one has a dark beak. Thinking I have a roo and pullet then? Never had Marans before.
The best thing you can do for him is get him some girlfriends, chickens are flock birds & do not do well by themselves. You mentioned a coop, does it have roost ? Some silkies won't use one but it being a mix breed it may. Best of luck to you. Let us know how he does.

It does have a roost. Half the time he uses it and the other he just snuggles up in a corner.
Should I be looking for some ladies around his same age or does that not matter? I also wanted some high productivity hens, light Sussex or something, would that mix well with a cochin silkie? I read that they are pretty docile.
For those with incubating questions. Before my first try at hatching I read an article call "Dry Incubating" by Bill Worrell. I hatch at a 95% rate of fertile eggs following his instructions I do not worry about humidity until lock down. I found the article on one of the homesteading sites. Thank you Pickledchicken for getting me those Crested Cream Legbar eggs.
i have three 3 month old blue laced wyandotte cockerels for sale or trade. I bought thwm as chicks and have raised them. i live in Sparta, TN if anyone is interested please p.m. me. im also looking for japanese bantams if anybody has any! thanks!!

I'm not going to keep Blue Copperr Marans any longer I have 2 Pullets 2 hens and one Rooster. I'm not much with a camera as you can see so you know the pictures are all of the same birds. Bought all from Raven1. PM if interested

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