The Middle Tennessee Thread

Just name the time..I'm leaving early since it's my only chance to go Birthday shopping without her...and her list is LONG
Thanks CityGirl she will appreciate it.We are going on a 2 day scrapbooking camp trip and then it's going to be a year long project..she needs another expensive project added to her list
Lots of pips and chirps but I want to see fluffy butts and those sweet little faces
I have another warning...we all know how addicting chickens are but have you heard of
Bunnylikum? It's as contagious and addicting as chickens guaranteed if you get this your productivity levels will decrease greatly if the bunnylikum lives in the same area as the chickens. In my case it lives with the chickens and with us..Right now we only have 3 but more will be moving in soon..
Okay, Old Fort Park (1025 Old Fort Parkway, Murfreesboro, TN for those that want to Google Map it) has two pavilions. There is always the chance that they will be in use, but I don't know that we want to officially reserve anything. When you google map it you can see that they are at right angles to each other. I vote we try the one that is perpendicular to Old Fort Parkway bcause it is seems to have more tree cover. If we get there and it is occupied we can punt and figure out a plan B. What do y'all think? I'm thinking if we aim to meet around 3pm or so we will have time to chat and still get home to do bedtime chores. If we can get in the pavilion it won't matter if it is raining. It might help keep the crowds down and make the chickens less noticeable.
I figure we can all pack a picnic snack and call it done.

Thoughts anyone?
I'm good with the park. I might not like sitting around in the rain, but I won't melt (not sweet enough). I would worry bout those chicks in cars, too - it gets up to 130 degrees in a closed car within 5 min when it's 80 degrees outside. I called about the pavilions last month, and the big one near the Play Ground was already reserved. Don't know about the others but I'll try to call today.

Thanks for the adorable pic of the bunny with its little boy - great way to start my morning! What a smile!!!! Bunny's cute too!
We have fluffy butts and sweet faces this morning
I have Wheaten Ameraucana and Wyandotte chicks to spare and I'm sure some Mille Fleur Cochins...I hatched a new shade for that pen this time so my winter chicks are now Momma hens also calico chicks hatched.
I'm bringing eggs for
Anne-Bantam Cochin's from all pens
1Newegg-Wheaten Ameraucana
Still available to bring
French Blue/Black Copper Marans
Bantam Cochin-Mille Fleur
Solid Blue/Black
Mixed colors with Frizzle Roo-if the auction doesn't sell I will have lots of these just needing to be hatched I won't set any more in my bators...nice chicks but I only have so much
space.Last time being offered this year as well.

That is NOT a bunny....No It's something but not a bunny.When I loose it in the house the darn little sweetie comes when you call her name like a dog..just hops out from where ever right to you for picking up...As soon as she hears or sees anyone she hops right to them.We have 2 more show quality "bantam" lops that are nice but nothing like Cuddles...darn rabbit made bunnylikum
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I'll be there on Sunday. The park for sure right? Yay! New chicken friends

Holly, I think I do want a few of your mille fleur cochins. And just to make sure, because I don't have an incubator (and I have the least unbroody bunch EVER), those are in fact chicks and not eggs, right?

See you all Sunday!
Hey, smart chicken people, I need some help. I posted this in the emergency section also, but no one ever looks in there.

Pooh is ill. I have no idea what is wrong. She was fine last night and out ranging all day yesterday. They stayed in their pen most of the day and I let them out to range this afternoon. I don't think she came out to range, but I got distracted when I was opening doors and didn't head count as they went out. I found her at bedtime huddled up under the coop in a corner. I finally got her out and she just sits there with her eyes half closed. I got her to stand for a few seconds and then she sunk back down to the ground. I have no idea what is wrong.

Here's what I put in the emergency section-
1) What type of bird , age and weight.
three year old EE. Don't know weight, but she is of average size compared to my other chickens

2) What is the behavior, exactly.
Lethargic. Found her huddled in the corner at bedtime (under the coop, not with the roosts). Got her to stand for a second, but then she sank back down to the ground. Even with me moveing around her she just stayed laying on the ground.

3) How long has the bird been exhibiting symptoms?
I am unsure. I didn't notice her out and about today, but it has rained on and off all day. I found her at bedtime. She was fine yesterday.

4) Are other birds exhibiting the same symptoms?

5) Is there any bleeding, injury, broken bones or other sign of trauma.

6) What happened, if anything that you know of, that may have caused the situation.
I have no idea. She was fine yesterday so far as I can tell. It has been really hot here (about 90), but because of the rain today it has been in the 70s.

7) What has the bird been eating and drinking, if at all.
Normally she eats 21% layer ration. When I brought her in the house this evening she would not take any food, nor has she had anything to drink. I don't know if this is because of her illness or because it is bedtime.

8) How does the poop look? Normal? Bloody? Runny? etc.
When I flipped her over to see what was going on with her vent, there was some greenish/whitish runny poop around her vent.

9) What has been the treatment you have administered so far?
I brought her in the house and isolated her. Thinking that perhaps she was egg bound, I let her soak in a warm bath for a bit while I felt around. She perked up a little and looked around and then settled in with her eyes closing. I could not feel anything different in her nether regions. I wrapped her in a towel and dried her a bit and then put her in the indoor cage. I tried offering her some bread soaked in oil (thinking perhaps it was an impacted crop) and also tried offering her some scrambled egg (in case she needed food). She hasn't eaten either one. I tried dribbling a little Polyvisol in her beak to give her a little boost. She got a few drops, but was pretty unmotivated about it.

10 ) What is your intent as far as treatment? For example, do you want to treat completely yourself, or do you need help in stabilizing the bird til you can get to a vet?
There are no vets around here that treat chickens, so it is all up to me.

11) If you have a picture of the wound or condition, please post it. It may help.
She looks fine other than being really droopy. It is bedtime so I am sure that is adding to the lethargy.

12) Describe the housing/bedding in use
She is normally in an outdoor coop with pine shavings. She has been in that coop for two years with no problems. Nothing in her world has changed recently.

I massaged around while she was soaking. Her nether regions seem normal. Her crop felt like it might have a marble size knot in it, but I could be off. Her feathers are really fluffed out. I am not sure what it could be other than egg bound or impacted crop, but nothing is really presenting.

Do you guys have any thoughts? I hate to lose Pooh. She is one of my favorites.
Anne I wish I could help you but my bantam Ameraucana pen has the same issue...last week it was my splash hen..exactly as you described.Never did figure out what it was. I also thought egg bound but she passed 2 soft shell eggs-in 3 days so that blew that thought out the coop. Then after 4 days she jumped up and looked at us like" WTH is wrong with you? I'm just fine" you have a brooder for the babies? These are going to be new hatch..still in the bator chirping right now
We had a very good hatch..last chicks have just popped the tops off
Oh dear, Annie! Wish I knew more that would help. I do know that there are herbs that might could help, just not sure which ones. I keep a tincture of garlic and St Johns Wort for times like is calming, as well as anti-bacterial, anti-viral, anti=fungal and a mild parasite cleanser. I've rubbed the dropper along the beak to get them to take a little bit. A few times I've seen them perk up within minutes - course I don't know how they would have reacted if I hadn't given them something. Would you want to meet me someplace along the John Bragg Hwy to get some? I'd need to go soon as I'm not a good one for driving at night!!!
Thanks for the offer, Believer, but I think I will watch her overnight and see what happens. It is too dark and stormy a night to be out driving. I would love for you to tell me how to make it though. I have recently gotten a book on healing herbs, but have no idea how to make tinctures and what not.

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