The Moonshiner's Leghorns

I got them from someone who got them from privetts a few years back.
They were leghorns but horrible. Worse squirrel tails I've ever seen. Fertility hasn't been good and chicks haven't been to sturdy.
I was about to give up on them but I decided I'm gonna hatch as many as I can this year and save back the best cockerels.
Gonna try to hatch a lot of buffs this year then make a pen with the BT reds over some buff hens next year.
Hopefully in two seasons I can get something decent out of them.
I want their mahogany genes but so far they haven't been up to what I would like so haven't done anything really with them.
Boss man I've got
2 Silver roosters, 8 silver hens
2 Brown roosters, 8 Brown hens
After grow out I'm going to keep the best roosters for breeding and the other two are promised to my neighbors.
The Salmons and the one Ancona are for my wife.She partially grew up at an aunt's farm in Spain and the Ancona brings her memories and the Salmons are just too cute for her to resist...

Now of course I'm going to have to submit some photos to all of you OG' S of my roosters and hens once grown out so you guys can help me pick which ones are best...

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