The Moonshiner's Leghorns

ThankYou Brahma Chicken5000 - easy to read when I click on it.

Here's my imitation of Mr. Spock.: "Fascinating". (Didn't he say that a lot in the original series?)
Yikes that chicken looks yummy. I'd be drooling if I hadn't just had lunch.
Moonshiner. Thanks for taking the time to find and post a Leghorn you like. And very very cool progress on your new housing construction!
My Exchequer Leghorn pullet dropped this feather today.
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Made a little progress.
Got the side deal done for my aunt so I can get back to my project now.
During clean up I did score an old broken down shelf. 1X12s so used them to put across the front to keep chips in and for nest boxes.
The pallet floors have some gaps so stapling cut flat feed bags down to also keep chips in.
Also scored a couple old slightly rusted bent up wire dog crates. Gonna cut them apart and use the pieces for my doors. Also have some 12'x12" wire things thats supposed to go together as a shelf. Gonna use those for small door to access nest boxes.
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Looking good boss.
So I only had one working egg turner and one that I been using for parts. It didn't have an attachment arm and was missing 3 trays. I decided to order some parts and get it working. My parts came in yesterday and I put it together today.
Then when I went to add water to the incubator with the working one i found it bound up with a broken tray. Yea for having those extra trays. Now I fixed it and have the other one working also.
Wait, I better make sure the motor is still working.
Besides that tomorrow is hatch day but I already hear a chick or two running around and more peeping.
I have 2 Home Depots and 2 Lowe's all around 40 or 45 minutes from me so not like a short trip but this is redneck area so their deal lumber gets snapped up really quick.
Same issue with CL free section. I'm so far from civilization that anything good is gone before I can usually get there.
Top done.

Top attached (mostly)

Got doors on one section.
Been just making things work as I go without much planning so probably gonna try to wrap up one section to work out the bugs then complete the top 4 sections.
Kinda left the bottom hanging for now since it has no wood floor and is much taller.


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