The Moonshiner's Leghorns

Anyone need eggs this week?


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I've been meaning to ask, Moony have you had any luck with your chocolate projects? I remember you talking about branching back into chocolate but haven't seen anything mentioned in a while.
Not yet. I have some chicks on order that are supposed to be delivered the 3rd or 6th or something of June, I think. I should probably check, lol.
So I won't be doing anything until next spring and since they're Orpingtons it'll take me a few generations to get all the other genes sorted out.
I'd expect it'll be 4 or 5 years before I could call them chocolate Leghorns.

Any suggestions on which way to take them? Solid chocolate? Barred, mottled, duckwing of some variety? Get crazy ..... chocolate tailed buffs?

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