The Neighbors Dog

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Yeah, I bought some big old pigs for food. The sows did end up as food, but the boar has become a 600 pound pet.

He's so sweet, though...
I find that to be just horrible of the people who are being allowed to rent that house. I AM a dog lover but it's just not right to take advantage of these people who are letting them rent this house. If they know they don't want that dog there to hide it is just not right. If that isn't bad enough they then have all these people in on their deception with helping them hide the dog &/or knowing about it?? These are church going people?? I agree with whomever said not to expect too much from these people in the way of restitution because they're deceptive to start with.
Sorry to hear about your birds
I wouldn't give up on the one's with broken bones though. Animals have an amazing ability to heal. Like someone else said, splint with popsicle sticks and keep them confined. I had a big rooster who tore a tendon. He wouldn't walk at all. I kept him in my horse trailer, and when the vet came out to give shots, I had him take a look at my roo. The leg was just limp - he had basically no use of it. The vet said I could give him a little time in the trailer to try and let it heal on it's own, so that's what we did. It took a little while, but he slowly got better, and wound up being able to walk around and do everything any other chicken could do. He didn't act like he was in constant pain, and otherwise he was a very healthy roo. So that's my experience with chickens and bum legs... Hopefully it gives you some more hope for your girls! Here's a pic of "gimpy"...
First, you cannot do anything except asked the neighbor to pay for your chickens. You offered to let it stay on your porch (bad decision) so that made the dog be considered under your care. If the dog had got out and attacked a human, it would still be your responsibility.

Sorry for your loss and just join the club of those that learn the hard way, which so many of us have when first starting out.
Wow. The details are even worse.

I hate that your birds met such a fate.
But hopefully the ones who survived the attack will heal. And quickly.

Please post updates.
As another poster wrote, I wouldn't wait for your neighbor. Tell her how much it will cost to replace your chickens and give her an opportunity to do the right thing.
It bother's me tremendously that she's hiding a dog from the homeowner. My husband and I have rentals, and it infuriates me when people intentionally violate their lease. If the dog is an issue, I would inform the homeowner ASAP. They would be grateful for the information. If the Realtor knows about the pet and does not notify the homeowner he/she certainly lacks professionalism.

As for your neighbor replacing your chickens, I would act on this immediately. I don't think they are legally obligated, and it would almost certainly be harder to collect on this if more time passes. I would present a reasonable invoice for the chickens you lost immediately.

Best of luck!
It seems that no good deed goes unpunished. People help a woman from church and she deceives them by hiding a dog that they probably don't want on their property for liability reasons. The nice neighbors help her hide the dog and get their chickens slaughtered.
Well, how sweet of the tenant/charity-case..
I wouldn't expect a nickel's worth of repayment from this one...

And...forgive me, but...why does it seem like there's some kind of an irresistable magnetism between pitbulls and irresponsible people of little to no means?

I'm certainly not saying all pitbull owners are this way...but, c'mon...doesn't it seem like a disproportionate number of pitbulls belong to people who truly shouldn't be trusted with a hamster?

I'm sorry, but I really do feel offended that you don't know me but you still call me irresponsible with little to no means. I don't like hamsters, but I do like my pitt.
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