The Never Ending Story Of The Buffingtons

Chapter 24: The Yummy Snack.

Lately, Sky and Q have had diarrhea. They tried eating oatmeal every day, (Friend recommended it) They tried having yogurt, and then, TLG read on the back of some chick feed that it helped prevent and treat Coccocidiosis (I think that's what it was called) so TWG called the company that made the food, and they said it would be fine to feed Sky and Q. So TLG put the feed in the blender and made it into fine dust. She then put warm water in it.

Sky and Q enjoyed the meal, they got it all over their beaks!

Though the snack was just for Sky and Q, there were some oyster shells for everyone.
okay, I know. I didn't update when I said I would, But I'm updating it now. Here are some shoutouts/answers to some commments.
NovaAman: THANK YOU! I actually think that they might have worms. The next time our vet comes to vaccinate the horses, she'll take a look at them

froggiesheins: Thank you, but the comedic material came from my mom

Poinsettia: thank you, your chickens are gorgeous.

Fluffballs: thank you for subscribing!

Chapter 25: Ants on a Log and Uncontrollable Dog

Today, theBuffingtons had a delicious meal of 'Ant's on a log'. Basically, a stick of celery, some low fat plain greek yogurt, a few spoonfulls of steel cut oats, and raisins, aka, ants. (HEY!! I should use REAL ants!! I bet they'd love it!)

They feasted eagerly on it, it was amazing! A mixture of crunchyness, creamyness, and sweetness. (I think only one of those is actually a word

Chipmunk especially liked it, but mean Sky kept pecking at her when she tried to eat it, so while Hershey distracted the others (dragging the paper plate around the pen, the others followed her, they didn't even know the treat was on the ground!
) Chipmunk eagerly gobbled her fair share. (Hershey managed to hold her own, and got her fair share before this)

(Notice the plate in the backround xD) When the big chickens came back, Chipmunk had finished eating. now, for the horrible/hilarious thing that happened to TLG. She had put four eggs in her pocket... she was on her way inside, and opened her pocket to take the eggs out. This is what greeted her:

the egg white was drizzled all over her pocket... not only that, but her pocket had RUBBER BANDS in it! So when she stuck her hand in her pocket, all the bands stuck to her. She placed the egg on the porch railing and started to clean her coat... Then she heard a thump.

The egg was gone!! But wait, who would steal an egg? Especially a broken one? Only Napoleon of course.

No, thankfully, he didn't eat any rubber bands.
NovaAman:LOL, i know right! They're so loveable!

Chapter 26:Free Ranging

Today, The Buffingtons watched TLG with interest as she layed down a blanket in the middle of the back yard.

She then walked over to them and said: "free range time!" Hurrah!!!!! the first free range time of the spring! TLG let them out and gently put them in the backyard.

they had so much fun!

Sky ran over to TLG and asked for treats. Ask and ye shall receive.

They ran to the side of the yard to forage for yummy bugs.

Better watch out... you know who lives next door!

The big bull Aboo!
TLG Decided to give the Buffingtons carrots.

Lady Sky stood at the top of the worl. (I was holding her the whole time)

the Buffingtons wondered what they could do to express their appreciation to TLG, after all, she had taken the time to let them free range... Lady Hershey knew! She would gobble up her sandwich!

No, she wouldn't realize how appreciative they were unless Lady Sky drug it around the yard.


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