The *NEW* all fowl egg chain!

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I'm sorry, but I need to roll back the swap to either learycow or minihorse's offers.  My company has just informed me that I have to liquidate my personal flock (I work for a commercial poultry company.) before Sunday due to the AI risk.  I will not be able to take eggs or send any.  I'm sorry for any problems this will cause, but I am trying desperately to rehome 100 assorted chickens, guineas and ducks before Sunday. 

holy crap! You need any help?
Oh, no! I'm sorry!
While I understand the company needs to be careful, this just seems mean. Is the AI that was discovered on the west coast moving that quickly eastward?

Yes, it is. It is causing extreme concerns in every major poultry company, chicken & turkey.
Sorry, I'm confused now! I owed you and you owed me so where do we go from here?

So sorry. Who do you work for? I just heard there were 2 commercial operations in Missouri that have been tested positive for AI

I think I will be able to send one swap out. That would put the swap back to minihorse with her Ancona and bantam orps. I've just got to make sure I can find where the girls are hiding their eggs. LOL
If the 2 of you owe each other, you can just cancel that order out between the 2 of you if need be. Then it could roll back to whoever wasn't in the middle of that to send to someone.

The 2 swaps from caj to leary & from leary to caj can be canceled if they have not shipped. That would equal out on the swaps shipped & received. That would roll back to minihorse for the current offer.

Everyone ok with that?
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I so wished I could get those ABEL's. but I'm quite a drive from you, and also in going to be pretty busy the next two to three days. My cousin died yesterday.
It's up to you leary and caj.

If you cancel out the original claim by caj, then it's back to leary and I can claim leary original offer and my final offer is still valid.
Ok, if that's ok with leary then the claim from caj1985 is cancelled and I claim leary orginal offer and my last off still stands.

4 ancona duck eggs


6 bantam chocolate and black orpingtons eggs
Ok, just so I get this straight.
I delete the offer I was supposed to send to caj as well as the one caj was to send me- and I send mini my offer of ancona eggs? :)
So I owe mini 2 orders worth?
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