The new chicks seem happy!


In the Brooder
9 Years
Apr 12, 2010
The family is having fun with these girls (supposedly all hens....haha...maybe). As I stated in my introduction thread, the source of the chicks is a friend of mine and is willing to swap any out that may be roosters.

I was raised with many farm animals, but my wife nor my kids have been really exposed to raising them. Three are named. The Rooster of all of these is a Rhode Island Red and the possible hens are RIR, Dominecker (as we call them here in Texas
) and Auracana

The 3 with names are the small (but very fast) black one is Flo-Jo, the light colored one is Angel, and my youngest son named the darker brown/red one, McNugget


Awww! Congrats! My children are likewise unexposed to "country" life. My husband and I are on a mission to bring some "back to basics" into our family with growing a small garden, raising some egg layers, etc. Eventually we want to buy a farm, but my kids will be grown by then. Oh well, the grandkids will enjoy the experience anyway!
Wow, looking back at these made me realize how fast they seem to grow. It appears that we may have a roo in the bunch, but like I stated in another thread....our friend who provided them for us agreed to swap any out that may turn out to be a rooster. One of the black one's comb has progressed much more than the others.

But we are having fun with them and enjoy watching them. We now let them out in the evenings to get some fresh bugs and whatnot. They seem really happy still!
You are always welcome to come back!
It sure is starting to warm up here though!

thanks for the kudos. I have more updated and better quality pics that I need to post on here.
They grow up fast dont' they!
BTW, even though they are all supposed to be hens, pretty sure the one with it's head up is a rooster.

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Thanks, I was pretty sure, but nice to get confirmation. I could have sworn I heard his sick attempt at a crow a week or so ago. But I haven't heard it again. So maybe he embarrassed himself so he thought he'd mature more before trying again LOL!
With a little swapping out, we finally have for sure 6 hens. No more crowing in the mornings. It's been so many years since I had chickens, I forgot how terrible a young rooster sounds when he's learning to crow

Here's the ladies now. Still no eggs though:




Now here they are in their pen.

I said "Ten-HUT!". They line up. Then I shouted "BUFFY!!!....You're turned the wrong way lady!"


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