The New Coop is En-Route!

I'll see what I can do. The one that I'm using as the new coop had a second building with it for a bathroom. The outhouse utilized the boat 's portapotty. It had one way glass so you could see the mountains but people couldn't see you. It also had a fishing hole by the feet in case you plan on taking awhile. He's retired...
Here are some up updates:

I got some more paneling up and got the lighting setup on the timer. I also added my first piece of chicken art.

Plywood is coming tomorrow so I can get the nest box top/poop board assembled and add the second roost. Tonight's sleeping arrangement is not ideal, but I'll deal with it. I got the small feeder and trough feeder set up and the back door is actually attached now (though still being held shut with a steel cribbage board I found in the shed when I was cleaning it out).​

The girls are loving the new setup. They were in and out all day which they never did in the old coop. Spyro (the white rock in the box) was very helpful while I worked in there today.

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