The NEW Crazy 24hr AUCTION thread

Got just over 4 1/2hrs left on this, no worries...

Am up to 11 eggs... and 2 broodys...
12+ Ayam Cemani Hatching Eggs

Firstly I want to say I'm putting these up pretty inexpensively because I cannot guarantee they are pure. They were allowed out to free range when molting and not laying. They have been separated for two weeks now and even when ranging mostly stuck together as a group but there's no way I can say for sure that my frizzle rooster didn't fertilize some of the eggs I'm going to send.

Ayam cemanis are still a work in progress and I cannot guarantee how dark the chicks will hatch. There is also a slight chance of a chick hatching with feather stubs, please be aware. I currently have three roosters and any one of them could be the father, but the hens have exclusively been with my new boy for a week and a half.





Bidding starts at $30, shipping is $15. Auctions ends Sunday at 8pm Eastern Time. Eggs will ship Monday or Tuesday.
12+ Ayam Cemani Hatching Eggs

Firstly I want to say I'm putting these up pretty inexpensively because I cannot guarantee they are pure. They were allowed out to free range when molting and not laying. They have been separated for two weeks now and even when ranging mostly stuck together as a group but there's no way I can say for sure that my frizzle rooster didn't fertilize some of the eggs I'm going to send.

Ayam cemanis are still a work in progress and I cannot guarantee how dark the chicks will hatch. There is also a slight chance of a chick hatching with feather stubs, please be aware. I currently have three roosters and any one of them could be the father, but the hens have exclusively been with my new boy for a week and a half.

Bidding starts at $30, shipping is $15. Auctions ends Sunday at 8pm Eastern Time. Eggs will ship Monday or Tuesday.
I'll bid $30 and I hope your frizzled roo might be a daddy with some of the eggs.
Any interest in SILKIE/SIZZLE/SHOWGIRL eggs?
Fertility is 100%! I incubate 6-20 eggs every week to be sure it's still high. ( also have chicks for sale. Message me as a can ship!)

Colors in my pen are as follows:
Silkies: Grey, cuckoo, paint, black split to paint, blue, splash and porcelain
Sizzles: Blue partridge, porcelain, paint, and splash
Showgirls: Black split to paint, and paint
I only have sizzle hens so NO chance of frazzles

I do not breed for show but none of mine are hatchery birds. They all have correct toes and combs but some of the chicks that hatch have had pink leakage and 4 or 6 toes (roughly 2-3 out of every 12-15 that hatch). I only post this so there are no surprises!

Each hatch has been a nice variety of colors and types. Silkie, sizzle, smooth sizzle, showgirl, shizzle and smooth showgirl

Currently will have 14+ eggs to ship Tomorrow (Saturday)!

I have a dozen beautiful olive egger hatching eggs up for auction! 10 are F1 eggs and 2 are F2 eggs. The chickens who hatch from the F1 eggs will lay these color eggs with a Maran roo! Possibly even darker! We have amazing fertility and great hatches! Please let me know if you have any questions! You will be recieving the eggs in the photo ( a few are from yesterday the others today) Happy bidding!!!

I'd like to start the bid off at $15
The shipping will be $14


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