The NFC B-Day Chat Thread

@NickyKnack I feel your pain, absolutely hate dentists, the next round of humans must come up with a better plan.. hope you feel better soon. Hot and alternate cold packs relieve the swelling and lots of pain meds
Nicky, that stinks about your tooth! Hope it's better soon.

Do you have your other wisdom teeth?

Many years ago the dentist pulled all 4 of mine at the same time...2 were growing funny and 2 just because they were there. I was lucky though, no problems from it. One thing that helped was using Oragel (like what teething babies get), sort of deadens the gums.
We got a nice surprise while checking on nests today - two new little finch chicks. They are so much easier to see in a flip top nestbox!!! Aren't they ugly?! But still sweet. They are looking upwards, despite the fact that their eyes won't open for quite some time yet, and their chins are to the left, the tops of their heads to the right. The white spots either side of their mouths help the parents feed them in the right place (especially in a dark nest). The other eggs will probably hatch over the next few days.

Hope your sore gum (and jaw) is feeling better Nicky - I've had all my wisdom teeth removed as they were all growing sideways. Poor you with all that bleeding!
Nicky, that stinks about your tooth! Hope it's better soon.

Do you have your other wisdom teeth? 

Many years ago the dentist pulled all 4 of mine at the same time...2 were growing funny and 2 just because they were there. I was lucky though, no problems from it. One thing that helped was using Oragel (like what teething babies get), sort of deadens the gums.

Thank you. :hugs Yes, I still have the two bottom ones. The dentist wanted to pull the other two as well, but since I'm paying out of pocket (I don't have dental insurance) l'll have to do it at another time. I'm grateful for all the well wishes. They mean so much to me. Thank you everyone. I am much improved from this morning. The swelling has gone down and the dreadful headache has finally subsided.

I can't imagine the suffering you endured with all four of them pulled at once. :th
We got a nice surprise while checking on nests today - two new little finch chicks. They are so much easier to see in a flip top nestbox!!! Aren't they ugly?! But still sweet. They are looking upwards, despite the fact that their eyes won't open for quite some time yet, and their chins are to the left, the tops of their heads to the right. The white spots either side of their mouths help the parents feed them in the right place (especially in a dark nest). The other eggs will probably hatch over the next few days. Hope your sore gum (and jaw) is feeling better Nicky - I've had all my wisdom teeth removed as they were all growing sideways. Poor you with all that bleeding!
What a wonderful surprise! :love They look like good strong chicks. And thank you, I am doing much better.

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