The NFC B-Day Chat Thread

:frow Have a great day Sour
:frow Have a great day Debby, be careful shoveling
:frow Have a great day IM, enjoy your quiet time
:frow Morning Cappy have a great day

Morning Bruce :frow So glad NOAA was wrong.

Sorry folks for filling up the queue, I got behind.. :oops:
Hi Bob, have a super day!
Good morning everyone! :frow

Happy Birthday Cap!!!:ya:clap:wootView attachment 1989110

Here's your Birthday song! Enjoy your day! P.S. it's kinda long! :D

Everyone make it a great day! :celebrate
I'm a bit behind in the thread but this song is awesome!. :clap. I can't make out a word they are saying but:thumbsup most times I can't make out a word when I sing either:woot:lau.
use a short piece of PVC pipe... Schedual two if you have it thicker wall. about two to two and a half feet long. Poke him in the shoulder or tap him on the nose. This is not punitive but tells him to keep his distance. I had to do that with mine because they would mug me for Chicken feed.

I never feed my animals treats from the hand or a bucket that is in my had they have to wait till I dish it out... Same goes for the horse. I dont even feed Carrots from the hand... I break them up and drop them in a bucket hung on the fence.

pushy animals can become dangerous. so nip it in the bud now. When they see you come out with the pipe in your hand they will keep their distance till you ask them to come for a scratch.

Boar goats and crosses get big and beefy. NOW is the time for redirection training.

I am sure Cap may have better advice.

This is some good advice:thumbsup!
Good Got some actual packing done for the move... threw away more than I packed Stuff that was actual trash and stuff that I wont ever need again. Felt good. Used all my boxes though Had to go buy some more yesterday.

Filled six boxes sized for books. This way I can fill something fuller than I can lift. Bought fifteen more... Hope to pack the rest of the kitchen.. and most of my accumulation around my computer... Pills and Literature and "Stuff"...

I already have a boat load of plastic crates with the flip top lids Through out the computer area and in the garage... So those are done have been done for several years now. I should go through them.. but it will distract me from the job at hand.

OH and I found my stainless steel Bracelet I made more than a year ago and it has inspired me to make a bracelet for a friend. I will post pictures of the end result on my Jewlery thread when I am done. kind of excited to do a few last pieces before I pack.

I owe someone else a restring of a necklace she broke. I Cannot do strung beads on cord I am going to wire rap the beads for strength
View attachment 1989442 without the link in between or if I do it will be a wire wrapped link... All for strength because she loves to dance.


good morning . Looks like very intricate work. Are you moving? How far away are you gonna go.
If you are building you can get 40 acres for around 45 K. put a mobile on Or do a strawbale.
Wow that's cheap ..:eek:. It's about 10k per acre out here. Our farm would be a lot bigger if I lived out there.
Kinda like the government paying farmers NOT to grow certain things, or any thing.
I'm not growing anything but weeds. How can I tap into this????
How many acres of weeds do you have:lol:
That's very pretty Debby. I like to have a few clouds in the sky here too! makes for a prettier pic but I guess "beggars can't be choosers"! :lau I'll take clear skies any day though!
I walk about 1,000 yards from the house and take pics back toward the house down the driveway. This morning was a cold walk. :lol: but not quite as cold as yours. :plbb
That's good exercise. !:thumbsup. Makes you Better appreciate the pictures. As if they aren't pretty enough. ;). I don't have enough acres to walk 1,000yards . Unless I walked circles..
Sadly, I have reached that point in life where I am losing friends far too frequently. My Mom was a rather stoic German. One day in a moment of pique she said, "Folks think that the worst part of getting old is the infirmities and having to depend upon others. That stinks, but the worst part really is that too many of those you care about have already died." I now understand.
That's sad ... I hope God gives people peace when going through hard times.:hugs
here's my tank it's not as clean as yours, But I was going for the natural look the fish breed better.View attachment 2002657
I have been in the fish hobby for about 10 years.
When DH goes out of town, I have to go to the golf course to make sure all is ok. Anyone up for a round of golf today?
View attachment 2001585
gosh that looks cold.. but it's nothing new to me :barnie... Reminds me of my field
Lordy Lordy. Can't imagine. Hope you have that new tractor protected. Seems I remember you saying it came without a block heater.
I don't have the adapting power plug for my tractors block heater so I dont used it. It doesn't harm the tractor as long as you have a good mixture of antifreeze and there's no water in the oill. For cold starting I have a thermostart on the intake. Works really well if you know how long to leave it on. Too long it burns out the coil to short it doesn't start. That's why I have it on a momentary contact switch.
No place to put the hand holds... I already use the cabinet door and the bathtub rim to balance when I stand up... Once up I am fine. Problem with me is I have become afraid to fall. Which is crazy because I fall well Head up butt down then I roll.... Years of being tossed by horses the body memory is still there.

Oh and falling is nothing new for me... "its not an all the sudden she is falling take her to the hospital for tests" its SOP for me. Being afraid to fall then very cautious so I wont let go of furniture to walk.... IS new. I HATE IT. Sigh

I am walking like and OLD LADY... I am not an old lady. I have just let my muscles get weak and my core strenght is bad. I been practicing when I stand to stand up and balance over my feet not my toes. Oh boy does that feel good... Looking up and not at my feet helps as well.

Walking more would help even using my walker but it still makes me hunch over..


Oh I hope you can get your strength back.:hugs
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Geez my posts finally came through. I'm behind .... .. the Update wasn't allowing me to post, now it works! Good morning guys.
Good morning Dan. I wasn't able to see your fish tank. I started keeping fish when I was 12. I am 63 now. I really love all sorts of animals.
Pig number two goes to the freezer tomorrow. She's a lot bigger so we'll see how it goes. We're also going to try to scald using the pour over method.

Hope it goes well for you Bob!

Good morning :frow

-39c this morning, so it's starting to warm up. Tomorrow is supposed to be the last day of this cold snap. They're now predicting +1 on Monday :wee

Would you believe, on Wednesday, when it was -49, that my boss wanted me to go out & shovel?! There was only about 1/2" of snow. Needless to say, I told him that I was exercising the right to refuse work. He tried to tell me that I could come in to warm up from time to time. Absolutely nuts. Eyeballs can get frostbite in less than 2 minutes at those temps. It was bad enough when we had a customer come in wanting 5 100lb propane tanks filled.

That's crazy to ask you to shovel in those temps! :rant

Geez my posts finally came through. I'm behind .... .. the Update wasn't allowing me to post, now it works! Good morning guys.

Morning Don!
Good morning Dan. I wasn't able to see your fish tank. I started keeping fish when I was 12. I am 63 now. I really love all sorts of animals.
Oh cool !! When I was young I started keeping animals it taught me responsibility. I edit the post you should be able to see the tank now. It is stocked with assorted guppys and red cherry shrimp
Oh cool !! When I was young I started keeping animals it taught me responsibility. I edit the post you should be able to see the tank now. It is stocked with assorted guppys and red cherry shrimp
I love this! Where did you buy your shrimp? I want to try keeping some of those.

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