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Wow, Cyn! Glad you are OK!
They didn't mess around Diva, they got me right in! Had a nurse explain to me that women show different symptoms than men. I had heard that. Thanks for the hug!

Sounds like you went to a decent hospital that takes precautions and knows what their doing, praying everything turns out ok
Ended up in the ICU in the hospital last night. :/ I had the worst chest pain, and it went up my throat, just squeezed. They got me right in. Did a blood test right away, and of course I had EKG done. I was sweating..had all of the symptoms of a heart attack. They wanted to keep and eye on me, and do more blood work, and do a stress test today. My heart looks ok! So what's up? They say the Esophagus can cause pain like this. And, the Nitro can work for the pain like it did when they gave it to me in hospital. What a night and day. I am so tired, no sleep there! I'm still feeling pain in the chest, but not bad.

I can't imagine losing a home like that! And now, hearing of all of the after another in Napel. So sad.
Men are often treated faster than women with myocardial infarction for several reasons:

1. Their pain is often atypical - pretty much like Cynthias
2. Women have to clean the house, feed the husband and lock the coop before they drive themselves to the hospital.

I am glad you took immediate action. Its better safe than sorry.

Look after yourself my friend
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Wry tail may be a recessive trait but it is not understood yet. It happens in numbers that suggest it is inherited.

Cross beak is too rare to be inherited so there is no question about it. Bent toes, towards the foot, are likely inherited. toes that curve out are likely not inherited.

Still, it is a good idea to use birds that do not have those faults.
Thanks. I was mostly curious. Since you are a genetics kinda person: what are my possible color outcomes between a Salmon Favorelle and a Silver Phoenix mix? Any Thoughts?

Ended up in the ICU in the hospital last night. :/ I had the worst chest pain, and it went up my throat, just squeezed. They got me right in. Did a blood test right away, and of course I had EKG done. I was sweating..had all of the symptoms of a heart attack. They wanted to keep and eye on me, and do more blood work, and do a stress test today. My heart looks ok! So what's up? They say the Esophagus can cause pain like this. And, the Nitro can work for the pain like it did when they gave it to me in hospital. What a night and day. I am so tired, no sleep there! I'm still feeling pain in the chest, but not bad.

I can't imagine losing a home like that! And now, hearing of all of the after another in Napel. So sad.
So glad you are okay and it was something they could treat!
Sounds like you need a vacation.
Cynthia I hope you are feeling better today and they are figuring out what is causing you the pain. Get better quick!
I remember. And you don't want to be on PCH when it is raining for the second day. 

They got it tamed down now a bit....  with those traffic circle things....  Woe be it back in the day to be a pedestrian along Pacific Coast Highway...

It is also called the California State Rout 1

during good weather its a marvelous drive after San Onofre...  It covers the whole coast of California....  If anyone wants to see California its an awesome drive.

Technically it goes from Mexico to Canada but parts have been absorbed by either city or freeway.  I been as far as Sanfrancisco on it.


It is quite a drive with beautiful scenery. I have driven most of it at different times. The most amazing thing to me was when I was Southbound south of Mendocino I rounded a bend and there were cattle guards across the highway with cattle graazing all of the out to the cliff that dropped onto the Pacific.

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