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So cute!
What is the plan for them?
Many need help and this caught my eye from a "farmer" friend over on back yard herds. A family in Ohio recently had a barn fire that destroyed all their chickens, the coop, the barn etc. They were able to save their sheep and goats by breaking through a back wall and pulling them out before they burned. I thought I'd share the link and if interested you can read their story and help if you wish. Thanks and you may now return to your regularly scheduled posts...

Hope y'all are having a wonderful week. Wish this heat would break here, and we could use a sprinkle or two of rain if the Man upstairs hears me... Would be nice to have a grand prize winning lottery ticket as well if that wouldn't be too much to ask for...
That's the funniest thing I've heard one squash and all those bugs.OK so the main reason that I'm posting today is because I just wanted to brag about my egg basket I have. I'm not really bragging I'm just thrilled ,and one of my chickens I sure it's my Buff Orpington laid me the hugest egg. She always lays me nice big egg. Every once in a while she will lay a huge egg like the one in the picture.I have gotten so used to looking at pullet eggs the last three weeks that this one really thrilled me. Another nice thing is I've been getting anywhere from 10 to 13 a day instead of 6, 7 or less.

OH wow what beautiful eggsies... who layed that HUMUNGOUS medium brown one.... is it a double yolker?


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