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Thanks... I went back and made a chart beginning Apr 21st, which is the first day I reported Snowflake staying on the nest all poofed up. So, Today would be day 16. I may wait another day or two before moving the egg into the second incubator.. I'm trying to time it as closely as I can without going overboard. (I'm going overboard... lol)
You can wait until you see a pip to move the egg. It is hard to know for sure when to lockdown with found or broody eggs! I had a guy bring be some duck eggs from a nest once and they were quite an adventure!
A mallard pair on the pond. One is behind the little "floating" duck house... you can see the second one standing on the ice.
Spring already over for you??? :barnie

I still have ice on my pond.
We often go from heater to AC in the same week! This year we had almost two weeks of spring...It was nice but now we are having above normal temps for highs. Normal is 78F and Two days ago we hit 95F.

We may be in for another record breaking summer.

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