The Olive-Egger thread!


Actually it could still carry the gene for the green egg, and bred back to EE's could produce good olive eggs.

It is possible, yes. But generally, it doesn't work that way.

I would not use the rooster to produce more Olive Eggers either, his dark egg genes have been compromised.

Actually it could still carry the gene for the green egg, and bred back to EE's could produce good olive eggs.

It is possible, yes. But generally, it doesn't work that way.

I would not use the rooster to produce more Olive Eggers either, his dark egg genes have been compromised.

My thoughts exactly. I have read that it is possible but the chances are so slim it does not make sence to me to even try it. Now if this had been a pullet with the straight comb I would have kept her. Still would not be expecting olive eggs in that senerio but brown eggs. But nice brown eggs for eating. As its a roo, I see no value in him whatsoever.
Rita, I think "pea comb" blue is a pullet!

p.s. I have a straight combed blue olive egger that lays olive eggs, by the way....long shot, but it sometimes happens!
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It doesn't look like a roo to me - looks like a girl.

With rare exception, my blue chicks are always girls.

I sure do hope you are correct. I don't see any rooish myself but don't know much
Rita, I just looked again at your pics - those are from my stock, right? If so - goodness, I've not seen one with smaller muffs! Mine usually have much larger muffs.
I have 16 olive eggs due to hatch this coming weekend. They are very dark olive eggs but the hen is covered by my cochin roosters, so I expect only light olive or green egg laying hens. However, one of my roosters hatched from a very dark brown Cochin egg, so if he is the pops, I may end up with some decent little olive eggers. I have one cochin hen who lays a nice dark egg, not quite Chocolate-egger dark, but VERY dark for a regular brown egger. Her son who hatched out of one of these eggs is one of my top roosters now...but he is one of about 5, so its hard to say who may have "won" the battle.

either way, I am excited to already have a few olive egg chicks hatched out last week and another 16 on the list for this weekend. tonight I am going to set another 10 eggs under a new broody, so should have some more chicks in about 3 weeks.
Hi Wynette- Yes, these are from your eggs. I have the one real BCM that I really think is a girl and then I have these two from your olive eggs. The straight combed boy and the blue olive egger pea combed hopefully girl. I can't see muffs on either one
as for the straight comb, I would keep it if it was a girl. But don't want a roo anyway so he will be leaving.
I don't blame you, Rita; that cross produces HUGE HUGE HUGE roosters, and they are either really ugly or really pretty. It has amazed me from day one that such pretty hens come from the cross, and.....not so much on the roosters!

NellaBean - BEST of luck on your hatch! How fun!

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