The Perfect Free-Range Chicken?


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Jun 3, 2018
Northeastern Montana
Free-ranging is a great choice for chickens. It provides exercise and a food source for chickens. But here in eastern Montana, there seems to be no obvious choice. Most cold tolerant breeds are predator magnets. In fact, the Fayoumis that I love must have a heat lamp in winter. So what? Starting next year, I am planning on combining different breeds. But I need some input from this gigantic online community. I am brainstorming different breeds and their characteristics to find the ultimate free range chicken. Egyptian Fayoumis- Predator Evasion, Flock mentality. Easter Egger- Egg production, Flight ability. Silver Laced Wyandotte- Cold Hardiness, Meat production. Any input or advice? All my plans are basic and flexible. This is all more of a fun project than a scientific breakthrough. I'd love to hear any tips, advice, alternate breeds, etc. Thank you for reading and/or responding!
Marans- cold tolerance, good foragers, meat, eggs, roos are good flock protectors (warns flock)
Orpington- good foragers, meat, eggs, cold tolerance, roosters are good flock protectors(warns flock)
American Gamefowl (pea combed)- great foragers, tolerant of cold, roosters are good flock protectors, roos are often protective of chicks
Thank you all for the input! I'll have to do some research about these breeds and see where I can purchase them. I will update you all! Also, I'm just getting the chicks now, so it will be about a year until I have adult crosses.
I think breeds are personal preference. My preference is large fowl dual purpose breeds. I have a few in the freezer. Colder climates usually are better for close combed birds like Rose Combs, pea combs, less problem with frost bite. All birds can be free ranged. I don't give treats when the birds are out free ranging, I do give them treats in their pens and they go back in readily for their treats. They can be taught.

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