The Pita Pinta Asturiana

Debi, The Pita Pintas have just started laying today. Two of them so far and the 3rd looks like later. My wife Lynne got them from you about Sep 13th. They are so beautiful.
Thanks so much!!
I have all my girls in with the my boy Sam for now. The other boy seems to be a bit aggressive with my daughter. Not me and not all the time either so he will be soup soon.

They are beginning to lay pretty well after the move to the other pen. So come Feb Ill start up the hatching again. I have 6 pitas 2EE's 2 Buff orps and a jersey giant in with the boy but Ill be moving the EE's and the Jeresey out soon as they were young and just started laying recently and I was having a hard time getting them cooped elsewhere as they were broody raised.

Im hoping the pita buff crosses end up nice. Im going to breed the EE's to my CLB boy when I can get them all penned accordingly. Need some dry weather for a bit.
First pita egg of 2016! 66 g, laid by Odile.

Need to remove a few birds from the Pita flock (2 EE's and 2 Buff Oprs and a Jersey Giant who were all hanging out with the pitas till they started laying) And then I will be able to collect eggs for hatching soon.

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