The Pita Pinta Asturiana

Wow! That's a big egg!

I thought so, too!
Thanks so much for the info! I am not in a rush, we are full up on chickens at the moment - although in my head I can ALWAYS make room for a few more! ;-) I am mainly planning ahead for the next flock addition(s) - could be months or longer before I can actually bring some in. But I'm glad I'm starting the search now! :)
Hi, Welcome to BYC! There are only a few of us who are breeding Pita Pinta. It is such as rare breed and I've been trying to encourage other people to breed them. I have several people waiting for chicks so it might be a while before I have any available. I do have eggs available but the fertility is only at 50%.

I lost my rooster this past year and it kind of took the wind out of my sails. I only hatched one Pita Pinta chick last season and that was by mistake. It turned out to be a cockerel and has grown into a nice large bird even though he doesn't have as much white as I would like and has a large comb. I am currently hatching chicks. I have 14 that are 5-7 weeks old and 12 that are 1 week old plus around 4 doz in the incubator. I'll try to take some pics and post them.
Sorry to hear about your roo. Happy hatching with all the rest! I look forward to the pics! :)
Here are two pics of my latest Pita Pinta hatch. They are 9 days old.

These 4 chicks are the same age within a day or so. It looks like 1 big boy and 3 girls!

Here are pics of chicks from this year's hatches A & B. The older ones are 7 weeks old and the younger ones are 5 1/2 weeks old. You can sure tell the boys from the girls! I can usually sex them by 5-6 weeks. These chicks never seem to go through an ugly stage!

Thank you for the nice comments! I love this breed! I can't believe that I only hatched 1 PP chick last year and that was by accident!

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