The Pita Pinta Asturiana

Sorry that I didn’t spell out black copper marans. It went through my mind but I chose the easier way. I do all my posting from my iPhone and with my fat fingers it is easier to use abbreviations! 😆
I do hatch barnyard mixes for meat, eggs, and fun! I managed to hatch chipmunk colored Easter Egger chicks this year. It is fun to play who’s your mama and who’s your papa!

If you still have your green egg layers maybe I can get some eggs from you to hatch. No rush. Customers really like the different colors. My Silveruuds are getting too old to sell their eggs. They were troopers when it came to laying.
They’ll definitely be an extra rooster from the Pita Pintas if you still want.
Right now the incubator of full of White Cornish.
If you still have your green egg layers maybe I can get some eggs from you to hatch. No rush. Customers really like the different colors. My Silveruuds are getting too old to sell their eggs. They were troopers when it came to laying.
They’ll definitely be an extra rooster from the Pita Pintas if you still want.
Right now the incubator of full of White Cornish.
Do raise White Cornish for meat?
Do raise White Cornish for meat?
Yes to the PP cockerel! My layers have decided to slow down on laying. I think that they don’t like the hot summer days! I did one chick hatch from olive green eggs and blue eggs. I sold most of the pullets from that hatch and the one after it. If my girls pick up on laying, I will have green and blue eggs for you! 😁 Are you interested in a couple Pita Pinta pullets from my latest hatch? They hatched on 6/14 Flag Day so are 3 weeks old today. I’ll be able to sex them in another week or two.
Yes to the PP cockerel! My layers have decided to slow down on laying. I think that they don’t like the hot summer days! I did one chick hatch from olive green eggs and blue eggs. I sold most of the pullets from that hatch and the one after it. If my girls pick up on laying, I will have green and blue eggs for you! 😁 Are you interested in a couple Pita Pinta pullets from my latest hatch? They hatched on 6/14 Flag Day so are 3 weeks old today. I’ll be able to sex them in another week or two.
Mine have also slowed with heat. Once again the Bresse are still laying. 4 to 5 out of 7 most days.
Maybe when they start laying again I can get some eggs. Pullets would be nice. We usually come up your way every fall for Apple Hill. Not sure if they are doing that this year but could combine the trip if so.
One or two roosters have your name on them.

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