The Princess is a Perfect Houseguest...Shadow, the Diva Chicken


Intentional Solitude
Premium Feather Member
17 Years
Feb 3, 2007
Blue Ridge Mtns. of North Georgia
Many know Shadow, my lavender banty Cochin, affectionately known as "The Princess". She was three years old this past April. Recently, she was moved into the D'anver coop where she has to contend with actual Shadow-sized roosters, a new thing for her. Before that, the only rooster she'd been with was a standard BR who never mated her. She is quite miffed with us about these little suitors, to say the least. She has refused to talk to me anymore like she used to do, and let me tell you, she's a big chatterbox when you say her name. The more you talked to her, the louder she'd chatter. So, she isn't acting like herself much lately, hides behind the two older standard hens who live in that coop to avoid the amorous little D'anvers, but I know she eats and drinks, so wasn't that worried till last night.

Yesterday, I began to worry more about her. After allowing her and the older hens who live in the bantam coop to free range as they are used to doing (the D'Anvers stay in the pen), I picked her up to return her to the pen and realized she had lost weight. Seems she may be going through a second molt of the year and her crop was empty, not to mention, her face/comb color was off, sort of dark. She doesn't seem to be handling the heat/humidity well this year, either. DH and I decided to take her to the house for eggs, yogurt, olive oil and to cool off for a bit until the coop started to cool off at roost time. She ate her eggs till she was very full, then wanted to sit in front of the fan, then DH put her on pillows on the couch. After a bit, she began to nod off so we returned her to the coop. Shadow is the perfect house guest, never poops in the house, sits like a perfect angel and watches TV till she leaves. DH is so attached to her, I hope she is okay.


Awe what a cutie. The stress from them boys n the heat must be too much for her. Hopefully she will adjust soon.
She looks so happy in the house.
I will never be one to have a chicken live in the house, but I have no problem with bringing one in for a few hours who is in distress in order to save her. Shadow was my only bantam till I hatched the D'Anvers this year. She always had her very own separate "Princess Roost" in every coop she ever lived in and used it every night. She has one in this coop, too, but so far, hasn't strayed far from the older standard hens' protection.

That pic makes her look like she is heavier than she is, but it's just her very full crop. She is really thin, too thin, which bothers me. The D'Anvers don't chase her at all when the big hens are around so I know it isn't from running from them. She pants more than the larger hens do, I've noticed, so could be the unusually high heat indexes have been a bit much for her.
Shadow is so cute! I wouldn't mind having her visit my house--she sounds like quite the lady.
I'm glad she's feeling better from the heat--will be hoping for a speedy recovery for her.
My bantam cochin got so stressed being around an amorous rooster that we had to give her a seperate pen with another hen. She lost so much weight. She's put it all back on now.
How sweet!

My hubby is threatening to buy central air for our girls.....
Oh my gosh you are spoiling her worse than she already is...well Tom is. hahahaha She is a mess that girl, I sure hope she is alright.

theoldchick, I am threatening that too...I lost 14 of my girls to this horrid...13 in one day.

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