THE QUEEN'S EMPIRE ♔ (a medieval chicken RP!)

"I'm afraid the one called Rain managed to flee from me. She had a rock that she teleports with. Before she fled she claimed to be cursed. I'm sorry for letting her go." He was waiting to be punished.
Queen Daisy thought for a moment her eyes narrowing. Queen Daisy thought it was quite strange that Rain called her power a curse. "The same reward stands, who ever turns in Spirit or Rain will be payed 500 gold coins," she finally said. "Continue with your work,"

(BTW Rain had been captured before and the whole village knows her power)
Queen Daisy thought for a moment her eyes narrowing. Queen Daisy thought it was quite strange that Rain called her power a curse. "The same reward stands, who ever turns in Spirit or Rain will be payed 500 gold coins," she finally said. "Continue with your work,"

(BTW Rain had been captured before and the whole village knows her power)
"I have a way of catching them, for a price, a different one...." He stopped to think of what to say, "I have a friend, Fleck, she was a fellow guard. A scavenger framed her for murder and she was demoted to a scavenger. She is an amazing tracker, if she were to be promoted for catching them, she would do it...." He had no idea how she would

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Laci awoke the next morning sore and tired. She first looked to her mother's bed but the older hen was gone. Laci sighed and stepped out the caravan car. Everything smelled fresh and new. Last nights rain had transformed the landscape. Collected raindrops glistened like diamonds on the foliage and grass. A young rooster with his herd of goats were grazing placidly nearby. Laci looked towards the east. In a light blanket of mist stood the city of the Clucking Empire. A jolt of adventure channeled through her and the young pullet had a sudden urge to explore the city. She it had been months since Laci had last visited. The guards stopped her at the entrance. "State your business" the rooster on the right growled. "I have family here and I have come for a visit" she lied. "Sorry no outsiders can pass the gate" the other guard stated. "But -" Laci began."Beat it gypsy!" he hissed. Laci drew herself to full height glaring at them vengefully. Her face flushed with anger. She thought better of it though and she stalked away. "There is more than one way to get in" Laci muttered. Although she hated using it she would take the tunnel to Jerry's house. Laci suddenly stopped. Pasted on the wall surrounding the city was a notice.

Rain for murder.
500 coin reward

Below it was a drawing of the hen. Laci took it and rolled it up under her wing. *If I find and turn her in I could leave the caravan and start my own life!* she thought hopefully. * I am going to find this hen* she deiced.
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Name- Amity
Breed- d'uccle
Variety- IDK the speckled light brown ones
Gender- Pullet
Age- 11 months
Rank- Princess from another country who wants to be a knight
Personality- Tomboy, sarcastic, mysterious
Family- Royals from the kingdom of Dark Forest Empire * Edited
Other- She is training to be a knight as she is the youngest of 16. She came to this country to do economy and stuff, but can help find the murderer.
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Name- Amity
Breed- d'uccle
Variety- IDK the speckled light brown ones
Gender- Pullet
Age- 11 months
Rank- Princess from another country who wants to be a knight
Personality- Tomboy, sarcastic, mysterious
Family- Royals from the kingdom of Inboalert
Other- She is training to be a knight as she is the youngest of 16. She came to this country to do economy and stuff, but can help find the murderer.
Could you change her rank? The only empires are Clucking Empire, Dark forest Empire, and Green Grazing Empire. The only open Empire for a princess is the Dark forest Empire. She would get along well with Butterscotch and Lolly!
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