The Rhodebar thread!

By summer we should be having eggs & chicks! Depending on how this flock grows out, will determine whether I need to hold on to some chicks or not. They are really looking pretty spectacular already!
I cant wait to get me some Rhodebar
keep us posted
I have been following this thread for awhile now. I like the look of the rhodebar cocks and I almost got a pair of rhodebars instead of the legbars but decided I wanted the legbars first. Now I am tempted to make my own rhodebars since I have a cockerel from another project in the grow out pen. It will be the long way of doing it. I will mate the cockerel back to a rhode island red hen then do some selective breeding and within a couple years I should have rhodebars.I think we'll go more for production birds because the whole purpose of the legbars is to be able to sell pullets instead of straight run. I will be working on those over the next couple years to improve some things too.
If someone local happens to get some or if I can get some rhodebars for a great price, I'll just go that route, otherwise I will make some home made birds.
Papa brooder, how far north are you moving?
I have been following this thread for awhile now. I like the look of the rhodebar cocks and I almost got a pair of rhodebars instead of the legbars but decided I wanted the legbars first. Now I am tempted to make my own rhodebars since I have a cockerel from another project in the grow out pen. It will be the long way of doing it. I will mate the cockerel back to a rhode island red hen then do some selective breeding and within a couple years I should have rhodebars.I think we'll go more for production birds because the whole purpose of the legbars is to be able to sell pullets instead of straight run. I will be working on those over the next couple years to improve some things too.
If someone local happens to get some or if I can get some rhodebars for a great price, I'll just go that route, otherwise I will make some home made birds.
Papa brooder, how far north are you moving?
I will have a couple extra roos but not for a while - I'm growing out 5
Hey man, moving to Redding, CA. So, only a few hours north. I am also raising up the legbars. Have six right now about 5 weeks old (4/2 female/male) just hatched two more, I was thinking they are both females, but not that one has fluffed out, it's looking more male. I'll have to wait til they are all dry to be sure.
I have been following this thread for awhile now. I like the look of the rhodebar cocks and I almost got a pair of rhodebars instead of the legbars but decided I wanted the legbars first. Now I am tempted to make my own rhodebars since I have a cockerel from another project in the grow out pen. It will be the long way of doing it. I will mate the cockerel back to a rhode island red hen then do some selective breeding and within a couple years I should have rhodebars.I think we'll go more for production birds because the whole purpose of the legbars is to be able to sell pullets instead of straight run. I will be working on those over the next couple years to improve some things too.
If someone local happens to get some or if I can get some rhodebars for a great price, I'll just go that route, otherwise I will make some home made birds.
Papa brooder, how far north are you moving?
Hmm.... shipping from CA wouldn't be too much I don't think. How long are you growing them out for?

Does anyone have any pics of the rhodebar hens from greenfire lines? On their site, they only have the cock pictured and in my eyes, he isn't that good looking. Not what I had pictured.

If I end up making my own, they will be a nice mix. The cockerel I am growing right now will wind up with a beard/muff and his sisters should lay green eggs (his sire is part EE, part RIR, his dam was barred rock). I plan to cross him on some utility rhode island red hens, maybe a buckeye and some other red hens. They won't be a real rhodebar but the idea will be the same. Plus, we will just use them to produce pullets, color/type wont matter so much to us.
Papa Brooder- I thought you meant more north, like here in Washington lol. I have only been to California once, spent some time in Temecula and loved it. From what I saw of LA, I will stay here in Washington and never go back there. I just have a trio of legbars for now. I plan to increase my flock to 2 cocks and 8 hens over the next few years, we'll be breeding them in the heated shed to get more out of them.

Jeremy- you know me, always use what we have. I think we'll keep a few of his sisters just to make sure they'll lay green eggs so I know where to go with the project. The cockerels sire is the reason we won't have any sumatra eggs for sale for a bit, he decided to be a fence jumper and mate with a couple of the sumatra hens.

I like the idea of the darker red barring but we'll see. I like the idea of pea/rose combs in our area. Like with our sexlink makers, they are a big composite of various silver/gold breeds. Like our silver hens have ameraucana, leghorn, silver pencilled rock, marans, and some other silver breeds. The main cock is the RIR x EE (looks like a bearded RIR)and we'll be adding more to the pens to keep it interesting.

So in the end, I plan to use buckeye, rhode islands, and maybe red leghorns in there. It will work out I hope
Yeah, So Cal...not so much. Northern california however, is amazing and more and more beautiful the further north you go... hmm maybe that's why you are in washington! :) I like the idea of a project, but still pretty new to this so i'll have to learn more. I will be ready though soon. Love the idea of breeding for something specific.

Papa Brooder- I thought you meant more north, like here in Washington lol. I have only been to California once, spent some time in Temecula and loved it. From what I saw of LA, I will stay here in Washington and never go back there. I just have a trio of legbars for now. I plan to increase my flock to 2 cocks and 8 hens over the next few years, we'll be breeding them in the heated shed to get more out of them.

Jeremy- you know me, always use what we have. I think we'll keep a few of his sisters just to make sure they'll lay green eggs so I know where to go with the project. The cockerels sire is the reason we won't have any sumatra eggs for sale for a bit, he decided to be a fence jumper and mate with a couple of the sumatra hens.

I like the idea of the darker red barring but we'll see. I like the idea of pea/rose combs in our area. Like with our sexlink makers, they are a big composite of various silver/gold breeds. Like our silver hens have ameraucana, leghorn, silver pencilled rock, marans, and some other silver breeds. The main cock is the RIR x EE (looks like a bearded RIR)and we'll be adding more to the pens to keep it interesting.

So in the end, I plan to use buckeye, rhode islands, and maybe red leghorns in there. It will work out I hope

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