The Saga Begins

Relax and take the day off. Any problems related to incubation, happened in the first 3 weeks. There is nothing you can do to reverse that possible damage at this point.
He might not make it but there isn't anything you can do about it if he doesn't.
I moved 43 eggs to the hatcher 2 days ago. They are due in an hour and a half but some started hatching yesterday. I took a peek this morning but I left them alone and haven't looked back. All I'm doing now is to try and find buyers and/or build another building to house them.
My best advice is to have a better thermometer next time and for now - take a chill pill.

Good news! Bad news! I mean news is good news, right? No, that's the other way around. Whatever. Anyway, there is no internal pip, so that's bad news I guess--But I see veins! The embryo lives! I think, at least... Yesterday I realized I had miscalculated, it was day 20/21 and not just day 21, because I set the eggs in the afternoon, so right now it's still technically day 21... Is there hope? How much hope? On a scale of one to ten, just how hopeful should I be?? Kidding, kidding. But seriously, I'm new to candling does this look right?
It may still be right for day 21 if the temperature had been low since you don't know.

Put it back in, sit on your hands and assume a 10 on the hopeful scale till it doesn't hatch. Then hopeful drops to zero.
Don't worry, you'll gain experience like the rest of us. No one is born with this knowledge.
At least you know that your egg is still alive, that's good news.

All you can do now is wait and give it time, maybe even up to three more days as some hatch on day 23 or 24 with selfmade "brooders".
I guess the egg is just a little behind schedule, I can see a little movement when I candle, but not much. He looks more like a day 17-18 chick than day 22. I'll give him a few more days in lockdown--hopefully he'll pull through.

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