The Salvation Army Bell Ringers

Excuse me....have you ever looked at the people that are ringing those bells....most are not multi-millionaires, nor are they everyday working age people. they are people in need of a job. Not only does the SA help with donations, they help with jobs.
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Yep... those bell ringers NEED jobs...
And oh, trust me, the SA gets their money... they charged me $200 for a piece of furniture last year.. (a piece of furniture they got donated to them for free..)
Oh boy...
Paid in our area.Around $7 an hour.Lol, I saw one kid the other day get dropped off by the SA van.He set it all up,then after a few minutes he put it all away and took off on foot.So much for ringing in the cold.
I think its a question of if they can get enough volunteers they will use those if not they pay. I know I could not stay out in the cold for that long of a period just standing there ringing a bell. At least when I am out taking care of the chickens I am moving raking bedding etc and working up heat that way. Just to stand there I would never make it.
I can't walk by one of those people without putting some money in the bucket.
I think (even if they're paid) that whay they do is awesome
If I wasn't working and could stand the cold, I'd do it too. But I can't so I give as much money as I can.
I've heard recently that some of those areas and buckets will become digital.
No offense to anyone who thinks otherwise, but I just don't think it would be the same without the bell ringers...
I tell them I'll put some money in the pot if they stop ringing the bell till I get inside! UGh!

I'd be willing to bet, they make more money in donations then they have to pay out in min wage for a few people to ring a bell.
I wonder how those buckets are monitored as far as making sure that all donated money makes it back to The Salvation Army? I guess the honor system?

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