The second annual poultry agility course competition! Win a PRIZE! Enter now!



Jul 1, 2020
Small town in Western Washington
My Coop
My Coop
Hey everyone! I am very excited about the second agility comp poultry show! The basics are, you have to take your bird, chicken, duck, turkey, etc. And take them through a homemade obstacle course! You must take a video of them going through the corse, you can post the video on a conversation with me if you don't have a youtube account, but if you have another way to post it here I would prefer that so others can see your video! If you do do a video through PM, add a pic of your bid here, giving his/her info, and tell everyone you posted the video, through PM. Through PM, add the video using the "select files" button, because for some reason, this evades work better with my internet. Thanks so much for reading this far! Please read the rules below!

-No harness! You have to use treats, bribery, or another way, to get them through the course on this one!
- Harnesses only! I want to see hard obstacles in this category, jumps, tunnels, etc.
Ps. categories may be combined if there aren't enough entries in 1.

Judging and rules:
-You will be judged on how long the course is, and how hard it is.

-You can enter unto 3 of your chickens, and all poultry is allowed! ducks and other poultry too!

-You can use anything from treats or a harness to get them through the course.

-You can use anything you want to make the course.

-A rule for harnesses, if you are using a harness to bring her through the course, please include harder obstacles like jumps, and tunnels, since you can lead her through and round turns with the harness. If you don't include harder obsticals you will have a lesser chance at winning.

-You can't drag her through the course. This means you can't hold her the whole time to keep her in the course and in fact, you can't touch them (harness not included) while they are in the course, only if they wonder off. With a harness, no dragging. Harnesses are for guidance, and to keep them in the course, not to force/drag them through, and around obstacles. If you drag, you will be docked points, and aren't likely to win.

And lastly, your bird will not be docked points if she wanders off in the middle of the course; Example- If your bird is halfway through the course and wonders off, and you have to go get her, you will not be docked points. It doesn't matter how many times you have to go get her and bring her back to the course, as long as she does all the obstacles and finishes the course, she will not be docked points.



Thanks for entering! I am so excited to see all of your videos! Contest end date is undecided, because I want everyone to get a chance to see this, and will choose the end date when I am getting enough entries! Thanks for your participation! Avery!

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