The second annual poultry agility course competition! Win a PRIZE! Enter now!

I tried to make a video, it failed 😅
Goldy was more interested in eating the grass and looking back at the other chickens. It was fun to try tho
Thanks for giving it a go! I hope others can enter! DO you still have the video? Any failed videos can still be entered in my funny video comp! I you want to enter, I will get a link!
The comp doesn't have an end date yet since there are no entries! Take you time, excited to see you entry, and I am mostly just trying to bump this post up so others can see it! No rush! 😊
Thanks! It looks like rain for few days 😒 but that’s ok, I’m excited to enter when I finally can! I trained my cat an obstacle course, I’m sure I can figure out a way to get one of my non-molting chickens to cooperate (if I ask any of the molters, then they are just not going to want to hear it :lau )
I got mine done! Flynney was an angel. Was a little hesitant about the tunnel but got it in the end!
Name: Flynn
Breed: Barnyard mix, with infusion of silkie.
Gender: Still dont know, probably pullet.
Age: 5 months.
List of obstacles:
Hop up (x2) and down a log
Walk along the log
Walk across a pallet
Go over a PVC pipe(x2)
Walk through L shaped shape
Go through wire tunnel

Here is a visual of the course since its pretty hard to see in the video(since I had to video myself)
course1 copy.jpg

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I got mine done! Flynney was an angel. Was a little hesitant about the tunnel but got it in the end!
Name: Flynn
Breed: Barnyard mix, with infusion of silkie.
Gender: Still dont know, probably pullet.
Age: 5 months.
List of obstacles:
Hop up (x2) and down a log
Walk along the log
Walk across a pallet
Go over a PVC pipe(x2)
Walk through L shaped shape
Go through wire tunnel

Here is a visual of the course since its pretty hard to see in the video(since I had to video myself)
View attachment 2408241

YAY! Our first entry! Hopefully we will get some more entires too to take Flynn on! Good job Flynn! She did a really good job with that course!

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