the shells are really hard is this normal

eddie w

In the Brooder
8 Years
Mar 15, 2011
the shells are really hard and do not peel very good what can i do i give them oyster shells
Shells are much thicker than the eggs you buy at the store. It is normal. Fresh eggs are hard to peel. Let them get 1-2 weeks old then hard boil them. The eggs you buy in the store are already 3 weeks old by the time you buy them.

Also, when you boil the eggs I found a little technique to be helpful (on top of letting them age a couple of weeks):

As soon as they are done boiling, get them under ice cold water instantly. Even throw in some ice cubes in the pot. Keep the ice cold water running on them for a good minute or two. The rapid hot to cold will help the shells peel off. Don't let them cool down "slowly".

Congrats on the super hard shells - that means you are taking good care of your girls!
Thanks guys...I needed this tip too...I had the bright idea that I would supply deviled eggs for my inlaws at thanksgiving since we now have chickens...I wanted to use the freashest eggs of I gathered my day before and morning of eggs...a huge nighhtmare!! Next weeks eggs are for christmas!!

OP...I too have super freaky hard shells and I do NOT give oyster on the side!! Just layer and fresh veggies and treats!!
We have really hard shells as well but we do feed oyster shell. We've found our barred rock eggs don't peel well as hard boiled until they are about 4 or 5 days old. Before that they just peel egg. Another trick for peeling eggs is to crack them in the pan with some water in it still. The water gets under the membrane and helps peel it off in one piece.
The best way to peel fresh eggs is to steam them first, stem them for 15 mins and then put them in a bowl of cold water for 5 then peel. The 1 day old eggs are a bit tough sometimes. But they peel beautifully if you steam them. And a healthy happy chicken who is well fed and taken care of and has the proper amount of calcium in her diet will lay very hard eggs. The eggs I use I save the shells rinse them out and then let them air dry and out them in a zipper bag and then crush them and add them to a bow in the coop along with oyster shells.
The ice works very well. I boiled 6 to pickle. Put them under the cold water and add ice. Let them cool completely. I have read this but tried it to see what it would do. I had the eggs out of the pot and put water back in the pot and started it boiling. Took the cold eggs one at a time in a drain type spoon and held them about 10 seconds in the hot water. Took it out, cracked it all over and peeled it. Perfect. But one thing I had to do was really be sure the membrane was coming off. If it don't it will really cause problems.
Another good thing to do is put salt in the cooking water. That's tip #1 at culinary school, and I have found it really does help - more so if the eggs aren't today's eggs.

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