Well...excuse me a minute:


It doesnt appear to get easier, it seems to get harder.
I havent had a cigarette in three days. *counting* yep, three days. I had ONE on Sunday. So...doing the math...I would have normally had over one hundred cigarettes by now.

I have survived work stress, husband stress
, kid stress...and staring at my cigarette sitting there in my ashtray of my van...but I havent given in. I gave away the unopened pack that was in there, also. It was subliminally calling my it's gone.

Seriously, if I hadnt been scared to death by my own xrays of my lungs, I would probably have lit up again. But when i return on February 13th to the doctor to see what the specialist had to say about my lungs, I want to be able to say: "I haven't smoked since".

I ordered an air purifier yesterday. Hopefully that will also help me be able to breathe again. I really do not want to rehome my cockatoo- or my cats- or my dogs....I wouldnt be able to, I would just suffer. I ordered The Austin Air Healthmate Plus with medical grade true Hepa filter. It was very expensive and I hope it is worth it.

I gave up the mints. My tongue feels raw. I think I overdosed on Mints to replace the cigarettes. Yesterday I bought baby carrots, strawberries, mandarin orange slices, and grapefruit chunks...
I absolutely REFUSE to gain weight while not smoking. It is NOT an option.

So, I am just checking in with an update and to let you all know- Im still not smoking. Im hanging in there...but it is very hard.

You are doing amazing.

It does take a while, but really 3 days is a big step.

You should feel very proud of yourself. You have been really strong.

Keep at it and best wishes for the visit to the Doctors.

EC I hope things get better soon,

You have been so strong for all of us.
Best wishes, and remember,

How "Good" it is going to feel when all this weather has gone, and the spring is really here,and you will be smoke free.

You are doing well so far, stay strong. Your strengh has helped so many of us.

Take heart,

It is not an easy thing to do, and health concerns are a good prompt but don't make it easier. In fact they can make it a lot harder.

I have managed to stay focussed, but when I have felt really down about it it has been knowing the support is here that has kept me going.

So real thanks are sincerely sent from here.

You know that's my problem exactly! I just got thru going 30 days (cold turkey) without a smoke and then I caved in just because "I just wanted to smoke - I enjoy it."
I can go without smoking, but I tend to eventually get down in the dumps when I don't.I think I will try again when springtime arrives and I have more to occupy my time.

Good luck to all Quitters!!!
3days is a big accomplishment, going from smoking a pack a day down to 3 a day is also! Quitting is not an easy thing to do and as much as we say it does get easier with each day, that doesn't mean you won't think about smoking again, or want one, it just means that it gets a little easier to Not have one when that urge happens. I quit 3-21-08, so I'm getting closer to that 1year mark and yes I have gained weight and that alone kills me. I can't tell you how many times I think of starting again just so I can lose the weight but then I realize that I've made it this far and if I've been able to quit smoking, I can also control my eating!
Hang in there, we are all thinking of you!!!
What a tough struggle for you guys and I can see how hard it is for you in some of your writing. I'm proud of the progress you are making though and although I've never smoked I've seen how hard it is for smokers to quit.
English Chick-It must be extremely hard weening because you are exposing yourself to nicotine everyday and withdrawing everytime! You're a stronger person than I am! I wouldn't have been able to quit that way. I myself wish it wasn't so unhealthy to smoke, I secretly say "Aaaaahhh" when I see friends light up!
I, myself, have been smoke free since thanksgiving. I started with Chantax, than went to the patch and than to the longanges. I use a longage every know and again. It's still not easy. I want to buy a pack of cig near every day... but that is $5 more that can go to my birds. (a chicken a day
) <----- That would make my husband to beg me to start smoking again no?) and I know cigs are like chickens... you can't just have one...

plus I needed to buy a $35 inhaler every month... now I can breathe!

It does get easier thou no?

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