Thanks for the support EC. I will be back "aboard" soon!!
I quit on January 15th of this year. It was no big deal really. After a meal was the only time that I stressed any about it and that last about 3 days.
Even if you haven't quit yet, you're still thinking about it!! Think harder!!! If you have quit-don't ever ever ever "have a drag!!" The brain NEVER forgets! That nicotine creeps in and plants itself worse than monkeyweed!!

I'm glad to say that 3 workmates are quitting because of my nagging (joking really:lol:) They all approached me early last week and gave a thumbs up to a quit date of Feb. 1st! It so happens that a doc's appt. revealed emphazema (spell check please) for one of the girl's so the support team kicked in gear!! I'm going to get an update today and let everyone here know the methods they are going to try- cold turkey, patch, gum etc.
Keep up the good work everyone!!
omelette'smom :

Even if you haven't quit yet, you're still thinking about it!! Think harder!!! If you have quit-don't ever ever ever "have a drag!!" The brain NEVER forgets! That nicotine creeps in and plants itself worse than monkeyweed!!

I'm glad to say that 3 workmates are quitting because of my nagging (joking really:lol:) They all approached me early last week and gave a thumbs up to a quit date of Feb. 1st! It so happens that a doc's appt. revealed emphazema (spell check please) for one of the girl's so the support team kicked in gear!! I'm going to get an update today and let everyone here know the methods they are going to try- cold turkey, patch, gum etc.
Keep up the good work everyone!!

Just let her know that we can give her whatever support she needs after yours!....go girl
I saw the woman with emphysema yesturday and she admitted to having one early in the day. She's going cold turkey! I really admire people who can quit like that! mdjtexan-how the heck did you do that~~~"Gee, I think I'll just never smoke again" and bam-you don't smoke anymore!!
To everyone!!! please be aware that the thread is here to support you irrespective of cold turkey or the weaner just like me...I have had a bad few days...and boy could I reach for a full packet...but no...and yes I really really want to....but at this exact moment in time....I want more than my 3 a day....I will endeavour not to weaken.....BUT i can't promise!!!! totally fed up with lots of things...except BYC.....

So as the person who started this thread....we are not perfect we can strive for it but we are not.......will let you know trughtfully if I fall off the train....for those who have please don't beat yourself up...get back on board as and when you are please!
I agree with EC - ....

The key is to quit ...and to get there... any way you can!
Sometimes you fall off the horse - so you get back up and keep riding..knowing one day you'll do it. Before I ended up quitting for good - I tried MANY MANY methods... some worked, some didnt..and sometimes - I just wanted to smoke - I enjoyed it.

Bottom line - do what works for you. Not everyone can quit cold turkey. Just do what works for you.

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