omelette'smom :

English Chick-It must be extremely hard weening because you are exposing yourself to nicotine everyday and withdrawing everytime! You're a stronger person than I am! I wouldn't have been able to quit that way. I myself wish it wasn't so unhealthy to smoke, I secretly say "Aaaaahhh" when I see friends light up!

it is not easy weaning...but it is what my Dr recommended.....and actually there are days when you wnat to say darn it and have that extra cig....but no...I have an op coming up and want to be able to get back off the 3 a day and counting down...

The support on here for everyone has been most humble thanks to you all.
still not smoking here...five days now- whoo hooo..

My son had me so upset, I was really really having a very bad day yesterday- and I really really wanted to cave in and smoke a cigarette...but there was no way I wanted to start stopping all over again...

it doesn't even make the slightest bit of sense that someone can be trying to breathe- and order such an expensive air purifier as I did- and be sucking on inhalers four to six times a day- and still want to fill whats left of their lungs with smoke. But I do. I really really want to.

But I won't.
Really I am here, bringing this post back to the top, so I can reinforce my commitment to myself.

I have had a headache for four days now. Hopefully, thats like- toxins and impurities leaving my body, and ummm- not getting trapped inside my head.

I jumped off the wagon, during what so far I can classify as THE MOST STRESSFUL TIME IN MY LIFE yet. It has lasted a month now and that is now coming to a close and I will be hopping back on the wagon on Sunday night/Monday.

I haven't read all the posts since early January.. hoping others have found success.
We couldn't be more Proud of you!! You're doing Great and Each Day is a Big Accomplishment, it's almost 1whole week and then it will almost be 1whole month and then it's 2months and so on and you will be Healthier and Proud!!
Its been thirteen days now..

I have to say I am getting used to the craving- still want a cigarette, and some days it is very hard to fight the urge, almost harder some days than it was two weeks ago.
However, I went back to the doctors and the report from the specialist was that I do not have lung cancer, I do not have emphysema-
so is like a second chance and I am very thankful.

I haven't killed anyone either.
even when I am having a hard time fighting off a craving. I guess I realize that it is just the habit that I am craving because I have my nicotine patch.

There were a couple of my friends who thought since I got the good report from the specialist that I would light back up again- but that isnt an option, I recognize the "I could have just one" mentality for what it is...but there is NO way I ever want to go through the first two weeks of quitting ever again.
BRAVO!!!!!! standing ovation and very very well done. I am so happy the news was good news, and it makes you feel all the bettter for having the courage to sand up and say no to the dreaded cig.....
to you..
I'm going through too much stress right now-started again worse than ever. I'll try to quit again when my life stops flipping up-side-down.
I don't think the cravings every truly go away at least from what I have heard. I haven't had a cig in almost 3 months but 2 - 3 times a week I will wish I could have one... I just know if I do I would of blown the last 3 months down the drain, and will have to start all over again... I know I can't have just one... I have played that game plenty of times....

and it is really nice to not need a inhaler every day. breathing is good! and $35 extra a week!

When I really want a cig I have a piece of nic gum. I only have 1 - 2 pieces a week... but it is better than a cig.

Good luck everyone...

don't pay for your sucide in the daily installment plan they call a cigarete!
Well said Fancie....and well done to you for staying off the butts........ Bravo

We could really do with more quitters posting here to let everyone know how you are doing whether you are on the quitting train or if you have fell by the wayside......come on quitters time to tell!!!!...

ME EC...I am still on my weaning of 3 a day...and I have stuck to it so far.....but I need to tighten up and get down to two a day....

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