The Society of Crazy Chicken Ladies, A Guy, and a Girl

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I may be here alone...but this is a big deal to me. It's taken me 2 weeks but I am FINALLY DONE EDITING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
you gotta use revolution on the cats- and it works.
Vet approved flea prevention has to be used continually for AT least three months- every three weeks. Thats how long it takes for new eggs to hatch out.
Fleas you see on your pet with Frontline and Revolution are dying fleas that come from the environment. They hatch out, and jump on your pet for a blood meal. The female lays eggs which fall into the bedding carpet, etc...and the cycle starts all over again.

My day.
Daughter had a severe headache last night. And today. They usually precede her seizures. So, I knew she was going to seize I just didnt know when. School called me- headache...I cant keep her home because I dont know when she will seize. This afternoon she called me from her friends- so hot and sick. We picked her up, her sister had this fever/sore throat, two weeks ago, and her brother had it one week ago. We drove to the party store where she waited in the truck and we went in and got her juice, Halls, etc. Got home- I opened her door, and she got out, then collapsed.
Darn seizure. I had about twenty neighbors standing around us freaking out. Everyone kept saying they couldnt believe how calm me and my husband were- but we have been through it so many times, we know what is going on. I held my kids head, told a neighbor to keep an eye on the time- I have to call an ambulance if it lasts longer than ten minutes. I couldnt get Kaylas lip out of her teeth, thats gonna hurt tomorrow.
Neighbor called an ambulance after twelve minutes. I just wanted valium IV for her, but they made us go to the ER. Kayla is fine- she was fine as soon as she got the valium. She has a fever, a sore throat, and now she has sore muscles and scraped toes. But she is fine.

However- while we were waiting for the ambulance- I heard this horrible scream/squeal. I thought someone shut the door on my little two pound dog. I couldnt leave my daughter but it dawned on me that that scream was a rabbit; My stupid dog got my Flemish buck rabbit- Cotton-he got out of his pen....and I cant figure out how he keeps getting out. My husband went and chased off my dog and locked him up, but the rabbit ran off.
He isnt dead, but he is in really bad shape. I just got home from the hospital abd found him in the bushes. Brought him in- and he is pretty bad off. Im going to take him into work tomorrow.I dont know if he can be saved. I can handle a broken shoulder and superficial wounds- but if he is still alive, I will be surprised in the morning. I brought Clover in too- she is in my daughters bedroom with him. He obviously cant move, but I hope he gets comfort with her near.
Oh Mom2. That is a bad day!

I hope your daughter feels better very soon and you can help your bunny.
Did she bite through her lip? OUCH!
That is a scary situation
you gotta use revolution on the cats- and it works.
Vet approved flea prevention has to be used continually for AT least three months- every three weeks. Thats how long it takes for new eggs to hatch out.
Fleas you see on your pet with Frontline and Revolution are dying fleas that come from the environment. They hatch out, and jump on your pet for a blood meal. The female lays eggs which fall into the bedding carpet, etc...and the cycle starts all over again.

My day.
Daughter had a severe headache last night. And today. They usually precede her seizures. So, I knew she was going to seize I just didnt know when. School called me- headache...I cant keep her home because I dont know when she will seize. This afternoon she called me from her friends- so hot and sick. We picked her up, her sister had this fever/sore throat, two weeks ago, and her brother had it one week ago. We drove to the party store where she waited in the truck and we went in and got her juice, Halls, etc. Got home- I opened her door, and she got out, then collapsed.
Darn seizure. I had about twenty neighbors standing around us freaking out. Everyone kept saying they couldnt believe how calm me and my husband were- but we have been through it so many times, we know what is going on. I held my kids head, told a neighbor to keep an eye on the time- I have to call an ambulance if it lasts longer than ten minutes. I couldnt get Kaylas lip out of her teeth, thats gonna hurt tomorrow.
Neighbor called an ambulance after twelve minutes. I just wanted valium IV for her, but they made us go to the ER. Kayla is fine- she was fine as soon as she got the valium. She has a fever, a sore throat, and now she has sore muscles and scraped toes. But she is fine.

However- while we were waiting for the ambulance- I heard this horrible scream/squeal. I thought someone shut the door on my little two pound dog. I couldnt leave my daughter but it dawned on me that that scream was a rabbit; My stupid dog got my Flemish buck rabbit- Cotton-he got out of his pen....and I cant figure out how he keeps getting out. My husband went and chased off my dog and locked him up, but the rabbit ran off.
He isnt dead, but he is in really bad shape. I just got home from the hospital abd found him in the bushes. Brought him in- and he is pretty bad off. Im going to take him into work tomorrow.I dont know if he can be saved. I can handle a broken shoulder and superficial wounds- but if he is still alive, I will be surprised in the morning. I brought Clover in too- she is in my daughters bedroom with him. He obviously cant move, but I hope he gets comfort with her near.

Boy that brings back memories for me! So the fever brought on the seizure? At least you're not like some parents and call the ambulance every time she seizes. I tell people all the time not to call unless I either get hurt or it won't stop after 8 minutes. A lot of people don't listen. Fortunately I have never had to pay for an ambulance! I hope she rests well!

Sorry about the bunny too. If that one doesn't make it and you want another one I have two I'm trying to re-home. No cost, just the gas to come get it. One is a big male that came from Vicki and the other is a female Lionhead that comes with papers.
she didnt bite through it, but her lip is black/bruised.

It is scary, but not like they were in the beginning. Its scary when the seizing wont stop. The ambulance wont NOT let me take her- I just need valium, not a $1000 dollar bill from the hospital. :(

Keyt, the ambulance costs me 350 dollars every time they pick her up. I hate it, but the school is required to call every time she has one at school and the ones here I ONLY do when she surpasses ten minutes. I do not believe the fever brought on the seizure, because she had the bad headache yesterday; I just think it was coincidence. I dunno though. I told my husband it was going to make her seize, but only because I KNEW one was coming.

Right now she is disgusted that she has so many leaves in her hair and everywhere- and that her toe nail polish got scraped off. Her ankles hurt. I told her if she didnt try to bend her feet back the wrong way when she seizes, her ankles wouldnt hurt. lol.
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