The Society of Crazy Chicken Ladies, A Guy, and a Girl

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lol, they might seem to be throwing it, but they are ripping bite sized pieces from it. Lol. Mine love it, make such a mess of it before eating it up. Ducks go nuts for it. Did you try peas again yet? Mush them just a little...

All of our birds, but especially the ducks go crazy over peas! Every night in the winter my birds get a "late night snack" before locking them up. Most nights it's a little bit of warm corn. Sometimes whole sometimes cracked or fresh. I kinda spoiled the ducks and gave them a lot of frozen peas boiled in sugar water.
Today was a fabulous day! BF and I had an excellent time at the Tompkins Freedom Festival and got to see many great cars and steam tractors. Although I was a bit shocked when I saw a car at the car show that was identical to one my parents had when I was in high school...and it had a historical license plate on it!

On the way there and on the way back we stopped by Rusty's house to let her dog out. She's lucky I didn't bring her home, I
Too bad the showgirl roos don't
Hi and bye, i wanna talk but DH needs the 'puter.

Blast, Robin, if you were gonna be closer i would be pestering you for a blue silkie.....................Oh well. I gotta get the other hen real soon. But a silkiebator to finish my eggs would be great! lol. I know, never THAT easy. They always brood when you DONT want them to!
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