The Society of Crazy Chicken Ladies, A Guy, and a Girl

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Hey Mom... I have never had a fish tank before with salt water.. Always wanted to though. I just never had the time to devote to start up and maintaining. I am a freshwater kinda girl myself. I used ot have a 55 gallon with a whisper filter for a 100 gallong tank. I kept albino cat fish to keep the bottom clean, had 6 inches of rock in the bottom, no bottom filter, then I had the assortment of "goldfish"... Orandas, shabunkens, moors, lionchu, vein and veil tales, celestails and pearls... Once I had it established, I only ever did 1/3 tank water changes 4 times a year. My darling ex hubby hated it so much that I ended up giving my tank and fish away to a friend of mine. He still has the tank though the original fish have all died, but he has the offspring in there of several of the original fish, and this is 10 years later already. My fish were something. They really were pets. I used to put my arm in nearly to the arm pit, with food treats in my hand, and my hand open just enough so they'd be able to get the treats out. They'd rub themselves all over my hands and arms and give fish kisses. I loved having a fish tank... Now I have a 10 gallon fishtank with one lone feeder fish in it. LOL. AND this sucker is over 2 years old. LOL, so much for them only living for a short time. I do believe it is time for someone to contribute to my neediness and give me a 20 gallon with a top so I can give him friends again. He's out lived the other feeder fish... LOL. Heck, I bet I could put a few feeder fish in with him now, and he could swallow them hole!
Have you learned the commands yet? Now that is a PITA !!!! My friend knows them well. I don't yet. Only a few lol

I've looked over them (mostly because I wanted to make sure we picked a name that didn't rhyme with any), but I'm more of an on-the-fly learner so I figured I wouldn't worry too much about it until we actually get him started. I also figure when we're working here at home -- not trials, etc -- we'll probably end up with our own language anyway. LOL! So far the only one I've really had an opportunity to use with him is "walk up" and I'm certain he was just feeding off my body language and the stock and pen placement to do what I wanted anyway (because it actually required driving, which we both know doesn't come easy for a BC). He did well, but again, probably all circumstantial -- and luck! LOL! I'm sure I'll make all kinds of mistakes with him when we really get going.

Can I come make all our mistakes on your sheep?

She has had the house since I was a year old. I dont think any court would award him half of it after only five years of marriage. AND, that which you quote was for over ten years of marriage. Disability is not considered property, so it cannot be divided.
Its very sad though- I dont know what she will get on her own. She is unable to work now, but when she did, she only worked at mainly part time minimum wage jobs...full time only the last seven years of her working career.
Im so worried about her and what she is going to do now.

Lets see if I can show you Robin's peacocks here:

Thank you Kim ;-)
I've looked over them (mostly because I wanted to make sure we picked a name that didn't rhyme with any), but I'm more of an on-the-fly learner so I figured I wouldn't worry too much about it until we actually get him started. I also figure when we're working here at home -- not trials, etc -- we'll probably end up with our own language anyway. LOL! So far the only one I've really had an opportunity to use with him is "walk up" and I'm certain he was just feeding off my body language and the stock and pen placement to do what I wanted anyway (because it actually required driving, which we both know doesn't come easy for a BC). He did well, but again, probably all circumstantial -- and luck! LOL! I'm sure I'll make all kinds of mistakes with him when we really get going.

Can I come make all our mistakes on your sheep?
Sure you can, if you want your dog ruined like they did mine LOL. BTW - you do know a Border Collie isn't suppose to herd per say. They are suppose to bring the animals to you. Like the sheep, the dog is to stay on the backside of the sheep while I am in front. Then I back my way to where I want them penned. If any escapes it is the dogs job to get them and bring them back to me.
My Border Collie was doing excellent until my mean arse sheep decided to attack her.
ok so check this out... that temporary setup for the poofs I built? apparently I forgot to finish the last wall... meaing a nice 2 foot opening. So this morning the poofs were STILL inside their lil not so secure pen, until the puppy learned of it.... Mojo has some light cuts... dog is now terrified of the pood heads and has more cuts then the bird...
ok so check this out... that temporary setup for the poofs I built? apparently I forgot to finish the last wall... meaing a nice 2 foot opening. So this morning the poofs were STILL inside their lil not so secure pen, until the puppy learned of it.... Mojo has some light cuts... dog is now terrified of the pood heads and has more cuts then the bird...


lol, poor puppy. Glad he birds are ok!
We have a thunder storm here... Woot. Good thing I put the food in the coops. One of the new chicks doesn't look right. She doesn't look fluffed right... I will check her again tomorrow... Criptoe is being very generous with me checking her and them. She's also been ok with the silkie shicks in with her. And, this second chick is also a silkie cross. Lol. Go Roger!
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