The Story of The Lost Chicken (*)> New chapter!

I'll do it sooner then I said. Is that ok your highness?

Here is part 3!

Chapter 3

The next day Serena went through her day like always. She saw Winston, and they stared at each other. Quickly, Serena kept walking. When is he ever going to stop challenging me? She thought. Oh well. I’ll go get some bugs to eat. Serena went into the yard. Great! A grasshopper! She was so intent on catching the grasshopper that she chased it into a grassy field. She finally caught it! It tasted so good. Then she remembered that she was far from home, and it was getting late. I think I came from that direction. I remember that large stump. So she started going South. She was hot and tired. I think I’ll rest here. She said. As she was resting, she noticed a shadow moving across the field. The shadow had wings! Her head jolted out of her wing. She cocked her head to one side. There it was! The thing that lived in the sky! Serena’s insides where shaking uncontrollably. What if it got her? The shadow moved back in again. This time closer! She could feel the wind wiz by. Serena wouldn’t move. Then in a split second, she felt pain in her back. It felt like nothing she had ever experienced. Then she went up into the air. This thing had her, and was going to eat her! It kept on flying, until they went over the barn she had lived in. Help! She called. The chickens looked up at her. Lulu screamed! They all scattered. Then everything went black.
Here it is! This ones longer.

Chapter 4

The next thing she knew, she was inside a weird thing. It looked like the nest she hatched in when she was a chick. This one was much bigger. Serena finally snapped into reality. ''I remembered the thing with wings that had carried me away". She said. ''I have to get out of this thing before the creacher gets back!" Serena went to the edge of the nest and looked down. The nest was very high up! "What am I going to do now?" She wondered. But before she could think, the thing with wings returned. Mustering all her will power, she ran to the edge, and jumped. She flapped her wings hard. It didn’t seem to help. She plummeted to the ground. Finally she hit the bottom. Luckily, she landed in the leaves. Serena felt lonely and tiered. She didn’t know where she was. "I’m probably far away from home." She thought. Serena walked all day. When night time came she flew up in a tree to rest. Then she heard walking sounds. It sounded like humans! She quickly looked, and then saw that it was hunters. They stopped at the tree she was roosting in. She heard them talking among themselves. Then they climbed a latter up the tree was in! Serena didn’t move. They seemed to have a fort up in the tree. Serena could smell the blood of they’re kill. It made Serena even more nervous than ever. "How am I going to get out of here without getting shot?" She asked herself. "Oh, well. I guess I’m going to sleep here until they decide to get out of the tree." The next morning, Serena woke up to the meaningless chatter of the hunters. Serena quietly walked out of the tree, and then she landed on the ground. The hunters heard her and they looked over to see a chicken on the ground. Then they laughed at her. Serena was mad now. What’s so funny about my situation? She thought. The hunters got out of the tree. Serena jumped and ran into the forest. She kept running until she couldn’t anymore. They must not be chasing me anymore. She thought Serena was so tired that she fell over and slept. Then she heard rustling sounds in the bushes.

To be continued..
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Sorry its a short chapter.

Chapter 5

Hello? Anybody there? Who’s in the bushes?
Serena? Is that you? The bushes started shaking again.
Yes it is! Is that you Winston? Serena asked. Yes it is me! Winston
Yelled. Then he got out of the bushes. Serena cried with excitement.
I never thought I would see you again! She said. I never thought I would ever see you ether! Winston said. How on earth did you find me? Asked Serena. Well, I saw the hawk carry you in the air. HAWK? Serena interrupted. That’s what those things are called? Yes. Winston replied. Anyway I followed the hawk that had carried you. I lost the hawk, and now I finally found you! But why did you come for me? We’ve always been enemies! Serena said. Well I felt that I had to save you. Sorry for fighting the other day. That’s OK Winston. I’m glad where friends.
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