The Sussex thread!

Lovely! I once spent ton of money for Golden Salmon Marans chicks. They arrived 3 days old and grow out to look just like your millfleur. Should have been BBR cock with salmon-breasted, stippled hen. Lovely birds but the wrong color, I gave them away. This is just lovely.
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I have been working on a golden mille fleur sussex project and have some pics of some pullets. These girls are still growing so they should lose the leggy look eventually.

I will post some cockerel pics after they develop a bit more.


They're gorgeous! Send me some eggs when they start laying!
Been a while since I posted on this thread. Anyway, some time in the next few months we are looking at having to move. The up side is that this means we can have more chickens and roosters, so we are looking into a dual purpose breed for meat and eggs. We've decided to try a few breeds and see which one(s) we like best. Right from the start we were impressed with how much bigger/faster our hatchery speckled sussex hens grew than the other breeds we got at the same time, so naturally sussex were towards the top of the list when considering a breed for meat. My only complaint really is that my sussex consistently lay medium eggs, although if extra cockerels grow out better or tastier than the other breeds we are considering it is something I can definitely live with (I don't much mind the slightly smaller eggs, although we do sell extras and I'm not sure how the people who buy our eggs are going to take it).

Anyway, I do love the speckeled sussex, but know for sure that we want something better than hatchery stock to start this new adventure with. And I know that good quality speckled sussex are hard to come by. Light sussex are a close second. The few I've met in person have been impressive birds, and I love the contrast between the black tail/hackle feathers and the white. I'm also considering the lights because they could be used to create red sex links. If anyone knows of any good breeders for either light or speckled varieties, please PM me.
For Light Sussex,
Emily Robertson in Vancouver, British Columbia. Seh ahs no problem bringing birds or eggs acoss the border. She is the only prson I know using population genetics to increase the utilitarian virtues in her Light Sussex. has just come out with a great new 16 bird box which should serve well for started birds. Emily raises 100's of Light Sussex chicks a year. Should be trimming her flocks soon for over-wintering. Fine time to contact her. March-hatched Sussex make the best winter layers.
For Speckled Sussex, Walt Reichert in Kentucky. See Poultry Press for his notable wins and pics ofhis birds. Both have contact info o the Net.
Start with the best, eat the rest,
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