The Svart Hona (Swedish Black Hen) Thread!

Quote: Ewe Crazy Farms (boykin2010) has very nice Svart Hona if you are looking for some.
KYTinpusher...His are very nice, I have 3 pairs from his line that are gorgeous. I just wasn't sure on the standard, or where breeders were on obtaining certain traits.

We are all in the same boat and with dedicated culling and selective breeding techniques we can be at even better birds after every generation. :)
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I have Svart höna eggs! I was just doing some routine cleaning today and found these tucked away (darn hard to see or to get at). I wasn't expecting them, even my older Swedish Flower Hens haven't really been laying lately as they just went through a molt and now with it being winter... But both both my SFHs and my Svart Höna surprised me by laying a nestfull! (They share a divided coop). I have 2 pullets, one from GFF and one from ECF, and my roo is from GFF. I was really surprised to see these stashed in the corner but at least I know they are laying now! Totally made my (day/week/month)!
I have Svart höna eggs! I was just doing some routine cleaning today and found these tucked away (darn hard to see or to get at). I wasn't expecting them, even my older Swedish Flower Hens haven't really been laying lately as they just went through a molt and now with it being winter... But both both my SFHs and my Svart Höna surprised me by laying a nestfull! (They share a divided coop). I have 2 pullets, one from GFF and one from ECF, and my roo is from GFF. I was really surprised to see these stashed in the corner but at least I know they are laying now! Totally made my (day/week/month)!
Are you going to put them in the incubator?
I wasn't expecting these so with the really cold weather I think they got too cold to be viable. In any case they were the first three this particular pullet has laid so I don't think I'd do it even if I was ready and waiting. I'll give her (and her flockmate who isn't laying yet) a little time to start laying reliably before I try (or actually I have someone who is going to try for it, I just don't have the extra room right now for chicks). But fingers crossed everything goes well when the time comes to incubate!
@Any of you that have experience or knowledge, or even uninformed suggestions.., regarding color genetics and FM genetics, i.e., anybody

My SVH pullet died after an infection from a retained egg, so I've been reduced to crossing my SVH roo (granted I planned to cross him anyway, but now no purebreds
) on my mixed flock. I have four juvies/chicks that are half SVH and half Cream Legbar. Two of these are solid black and two are a very dark barred black over iron gray or vice versa. Am I correct in believing that the two solid black are pullets and the barred are cockerals? And I have a OEGB pullet that had a batch of chicks by him. All four chicks were solid black except that one chick had cream colored rings around the eyes. Three of the chicks, including the ringed eye one, were killed so that I have one solid chick remaining (so no further comparisons can I make
). I am interpreting all of the solid black chicks from both the CL and the OEGB hens are female. Am I correct by anyone's understanding?

ThanksOEGB hen w/remaining chick
Messy bunch of new borns. Black chick is out of a Cream Legbar pullet (blue egg) by SVH roo. White mark and very prominent comb for newborn = cockerel I believe

SVH roo "Odin" (doesn't like his picture taken) and my CL roo "Blues" (always willing to stand for a photo shoot).
Quote @ Svenskavessla:
if you
want somebody to test drive those eggs for you...
you're welcome to send them my way
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I have a few people who have volunteered to help me work on my shipping skills before I am unleashed on the general public (hopefully not breaking any eggs in the process). But since this is more "hobby" than business my prices will be very low. I think you'll be surprised. Just let me try a few test shipments first and then I'll take orders. I should have two laying hens from different lines (one is laying, the other not at the moment, but the second is a little younger). So in a month I might be able to have 14 eggs a week? Something like that? After I've practiced shipping I will let everyone know I have eggs for sale and you are welcome to give them a try- and I promise to do my best with shipping and making sure everyone who buys is a satisfied customer.

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